Chapter 30

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"There seems to be an accident..." Mr. Joestar informed with a sigh. Your eyes were almost completely closed by the time he'd finally said something else.

"It looks like the bus collided with the truck. There must have been some deaths," Polnareff said sadly. You were stopped in traffic now, the accident taking up the majority of the road.

Looking out at the collision, you saw the horrific injuries. You were in a hurry to reach a doctor, but you couldn't help but wander from the worry you felt for your allies.

"I wonder if they deserved such a tragic fate..." You mumbled, leaning your head against the window.

Jotaro looked at you, expecting you to say more. Perhaps he thought you would mention your amusement in their deaths, but you didn't. You didn't find it so entertaining anymore.


You were finally able to reach a doctor. He informed you that Kakyoin would need to be hospitalized. It was an unfortunate thing, but Kakyoin needed to recover quickly.

As you walked out of the suffocating room, you looked at the redhead one last time. A small smile was on your face as you recalled the moments you'd had with him. There weren't many, and they were short, but they were good memories.

It was good that he would be able to recover. You'd see him again, so you could make more memories with him. Even if he was nothing but an ally to fight a common enemy, he was someone you liked being around.

"Y/n," Jotaro began as he caught up with you, who was mindlessly wandering down the sidewalk. "You shouldn't go anywhere alone. We don't have any way of reaching you if you lose your way."

You turned to see his face high above yours as you stopped walking. At the sight of his blank expression. "Jotaro," You said, taking a deep breath. "Do you think you've become closer to me?" You asked, eager to hear his answer.

"Why are you asking such a useless question?" He asked, looking straight ahead.

"I don't know the answer, but you do, right?" You looked at him expectedly.

"Do I?" He asked you, sighing. "Well... you're my pair, so-"

"But what if I wasn't?" You asked, interrupting him suddenly.

"But you are."

"But what if I wasn't?" You repeated, turning your body completely toward him, your head tilted as you waited.

"If you weren't... I don't think anything would change. It's not because you're my pair that I don't mind you being around," he said, finally looking down at you again.

"That doesn't answer my question," You pouted.

He sighed, tipping his hat down to cover his eyes. "Good grief. If you need to know, I do think so."

"How do you know?" You asked, your face lighting up now that he'd answered.

"The first time we met, I strangled you until you passed out. You shook like a coward for some time, but you don't do that anymore, and I don't strangle you as though you're the enemy," He explained.

You smiled, finally understanding what Mr. Joestar meant. "Our relationship status- That's what he meant! We're no longer enemies, but allies, so of course, we're closer!" You exclaimed. "But allies don't kiss, you know."

He frowned, his expression showing his shock st your sudden words. "Well... I'd say we're closer than just allies."

"What would be closer than allies?" You asked, clueless on the matter.

"I don't know what it could be labeled," he began, lifting his hand to your face and lightly holding your chin. "But you're mine, so if say we've become much closer."

Your eyes grew wide, your face turning bright red from ear to ear. "I- I don't-"

"You're mine, Y/n," He stated, a smirk on his handsome face. "Once this trip is over, you'll come with me to Japan. You'll go to school and have a life with me. After that, you'll let me bite the back of your neck, and the bond will bind us together for life. That's how close we've become, Y/n."

You stood in silence as his face grew closer to yours. His arm wrapped around your tiny waist, pulling you to him, and his eyes closed slowly as he watched your clueless expression become much more embarrassed by the situation.

His mouth opened as if he were going to bite you, but his lips gently pressed against yours, his tongue entering your mouth immediately.

You stood frozen as you tried to process what was going on, but soon the scent of your alpha overwhelmed the useless thoughts that came to your mind. You sunk into the kiss, moving your arms around him to close any remaining distance.

Your tongues played with each other, the taste of your partner's mouth filling your head. The scent you loved so much, which was so calming, filled your nose. The kiss you shared was so passionate, so deep.

Now you could understand just how close you'd become.

(836 words) Thank you for reading! There's more, so continue on to the next chapter! ღ˘⌣˘ღ)

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