Chapter 49

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     As you walked out of your shared room, you were immediately met by Polnareff, who was leaning against the wall grumpily. His arms were crossed and there was a slight frown on his annoyed face.

     You raised an eyebrow, asking, "Uh... Polnareff... What's wro-?"

     "I'm damn hungry, but you two have been messing around for hours!" He interrupted, approaching you quickly. "Don't you know how important breakfast is? You can't be doing that sort of thing when I'm waiting for my food!" He whined.

     "What are you talking about?" You asked, confused by his anger. "We just woke up two minutes ago."

     "Suuuuure, you did!" He accused, pointing at your neck. "Then how did you get that?"

     You couldn't see what he was referring to, but Jotaro was quick to move your hair out of the way for his inspection. It was silent for a moment as he stared at your skin.

     "What is it?" You asked impatiently.

     Jotaro fixed your hair so it covered your neck and sighed. "Good grief. That's-"

     "A hickey!" Polnareff yelled. "It's obviously a hickey, and there's no denying it! Jotaro, you dick! She's a claimed Omega, so-!"

     Suddenly, Jotaro grabbed Polnareff's shirt and slammed him against the wall. You jumped at the unexpected bang that echoed through the long hallway.

     "Polnareff, we need to talk," Jotaro said menacingly. You saw the French man's shocked face as he was dragged into the hotel room, the door slamming behind them.

     It wasn't long before they returned. Polnareff was silent now, his eyes staring straight ahead as he walked.

     "What happened?" You asked both of them. Neither of them responded.

     You walked down to the lobby in silence, the three of you looking around for the others as you made your way outside. You were supposed to meet around this time, but Mr. Joestar and Avdol were nowhere to be seen.

     "Tell the old man to get down here," Jotaro suddenly said. You turned to him, wondering who he was talking it to. There was no one around but you and Polnareff.

     "I'm hungry!" Polnareff added as he shook his fist in the air. You followed his gaze up to a window on the second floor, which was open. Avdol was there, talking to the two men like it was normal to converse this way.

     "Is Mr. Joestar still not awake?" You asked Avdol. He shook his head, looking back into the room for a second to check his answer's truth. You sighed. "Even sloths are out of bed by this time."

     "Yeah! Tell him to wake up, or he's worse than a sloth!" Polnareff shouted in anger. You let out a long breath of air, letting a loose strand of your hair blow and fall back to your face. You looked at it, your eyes crossing as you wondered how long it would take the old man to get down there.

     "Y/n," Jotaro began, walking toward you. "Iggy's here." He was pointing behind him at the small dog. Iggy seemed uninterested in the happenings of the group and was daydreaming as he lay on the sidewalk.

     You looked at Jotaro in confusion. "I thought-"

     "You can pet the damn dog, but I would make him walk on his own. He'll get lazy." You smiled at Jotaro as you heard his words.

     You quickly wrapped your arms around his neck, which was much higher than yours. You pulled his head down lightly and he willingly followed.

     Squeezing him lovingly, you whispered, "Thank you."

     Then, as quickly as you'd begun to embrace him, you let go and ran toward Iggy, your arms wide in excitement.

     "Iggy!" You squealed. The dog looked at you sleepily and stood as he realized who you were. He began to walk in your direction slowly. Once you'd reached him, you picked him up and twirled him in the air. "Good morning, Iggy!" You exclaimed as you hugged him tightly to your chest.

     He barked softly in response, which caused you to freeze. For a long moment, you stood completely still, and you said nothing as you held him.

     "Y/n?" Jotaro called out once he'd noticed your lack of motion. You snapped back into reality and looked down at the dog, who was looking back at you with his adorable face. "Y/n, what-?"

     You turned your head around to see Jotaro walking toward you. You smiled as you jumped up and down in excitement, exclaiming, "He responded! He responded to me! Iggy said good morning!"

     Jotaro stopped walking and his worried expression faded back to his unreadable face. "I'm glad," He said blankly. You nodded, petting Iggy with great happiness.

     "Your such a good boy, Iggy!" You complimented. He barked once again, looking at you as you busted into another scene of overfilling joy. The dog continued to bark as you pet it with a huge grin on your face.

     Until your cheeks began to hurt, you talked with the dog and exploded with happiness whenever he responded with an adorable bark.

     "Iggy! You're the cutest! You're the greatest boy ever, Iggy!"

     As Jotaro watched you beside Polnareff, he mumbled to himself in dismay, "I'm going to lose her to a dog."

(873 words) Thank you for reading! There's more, so continue on to the next chapter!
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