Chapter 43

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     "Wha-! Polnareff!" Jotaro suddenly yelled, jumping in his seat. It startled you awake, your eyes blurry for a moment. "What's going on?!"

     You lifted your head from his arm and focused your vision on Polnareff, who was standing beside the barber chair.


     "Polnareff?!" You yelled, quickly standing as you saw his stance. He was fighting the barber, their two swords pushing against each other. "Is he a-!"

     You and Jotaro stood back as they fought. He blocked you with his arm, his stance defensive in case an attack was aimed your way.

     After a few minutes of just the two of them fighting, Jotaro pulled out Star Platinum. He punched the barber through the window, but he was completely fine. Your eyes widened in shock.

     One of Star Platinum's punches didn't do it?!

     "He's stronger than I thought," Jotaro said angrily as you approached the man. The more you fought, the faster he got. It wasn't going to be an easy fight.

     "Y/n!" Polnareff yelled in your direction. You turned your attention tonight to him quickly. "Does your Stand have a limit to the people it can control?!"

     You nodded. "It takes a large amount of strength to break through the mist, but it's possible." You looked at the man. "I'd say this man would have a good shot at it," You grumbled.

     "Y/n," Jotaro began, moving closer to you. "We'll need your help for this fight. You're small, so you can easily slip through that, right?" He pointed at a small opening between two buildings. It was a bit slim, but it could be done.

     You nodded.

     "It should lead to an alley. Find the fire escape and climb as high as possible. If you can get to the roof, that's where you want to be. I need you to attack him from there. Once you do, hide where you can't be seen before he notices where you are," He instructed. You nodded again.

     He pushed your back lightly and you sprinted toward the opening. The enemy turned his attention to you and aheaded at you with his sword ready to strike. Your eyes widened as he came closer, but Jotaro was quick to punch him to the ground.

     You turned your body sideways and tiptoed through the small opening. Just as Jotaro had said, it led to an alley. The building had a fire escape, which led to the top floor.

     You brought down the ladder and began to climb as quickly as possible. Once you reached the top floor, there were no more ladders to reach the roof. Looking around, there was nothing you could use either.

     It was a bit too high to jump and your arm strength was limited. Finally, you saw a pipe. It was sturdy and thick, leading to the rood of the building.

     "This will do," You mumbled to yourself as you gripped it tightly, bringing your feet to the wall. Slowly, you climbed your way to the top. You felt as though you would fall at any moment, but you made it there safely.

     There wasn't much you could hide behind, but if you laid on your stomach after controlling him, he wouldn't be able to see you.

     Peering over the edge, you saw the men fighting. It was a tiring battle for each of them. Quickly, you pointed your finger out and shot your mist at the enemy. It consumed him and he stopped moving.

     You sighed in relief and smiled at your success, but it didn't last long...

     Suddenly, your arms began to bleed. Then your legs were covered with blood, and your face followed. It stung as the red liquid slowly flowed down every inch of your body.

     What the hell?!

     Looking down at the enemy, you saw him moving freely, his eyes turned directly at you. He was glaring at you, his cold expression gave you goosebumps as you'd realized what he'd just done. He had broken through the mist.

(641 words) Thank you for reading! There's more, so continue on to the next chapter!ヾ('ヘ')ノ゙

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