Chapter 58.5

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"Rock... Paper... Scissors... Shoot..."

The next thing you knew, you were in what seemed like a dream. It was bright and colorful, the reds and blues and purples filling the sky. It was beautiful, making a warm smile automatically appear on your lit-up face.

What is this? You thought silently as you breathed in the fresh air, no scents of humans filling your nose... No Jotaro anywhere to be seen. With realizing this, your smile faded and your gaze left the bright colors.

You knew it was a dream, but a dream without Jotaro wasn't one you wanted to have.

"Jotaro..." You quietly called out, longing for his calm presence and gentle touch that he only gave to you. You wanted his protective self to wrap you in his arms and keep you there for the rest of your life. You were sick of this loneliness already. You were tired of being away from him...


Your head shot in the direction of the voice, but no one was there. Your nose searched for its owner, which was someone you knew very well.

"Y/n," It called out again, gently and almost lovingly.

"Jotaro..." You answered, whimpering softly at the longing for your missing alpha. "Jotaro, where are you?"

"Y/n," He repeated, this time, right behind you. Quickly, you turned to see his large chest in front of your panicking face.

Like you'd longed for so much, his protective arms wrapped around you, holding you to his chest. His scent appeared soon enough, the familiar feeling of calmness washing over you.

"Jotaro," You hummed, sinking into his warm embrace. "Why did you leave me?"

He was silent for a moment before finally quietly answering, "You left me."

You lifted your head to see his blank expression with surprise. "What do you mean? You disappeared. I've been here the whole t-time."

Suddenly, his warm touch grew cold, goosebumps forming on every inch of your skin. You shivered, confused and worried. His scent was changing, little by little. It was becoming much more distant; much more unfamiliar.

You tried to push away, your strength unable to overpower his. "J-Jotaro," You squeaked as his grip on you tightened.

"You're the one who left me," He repeated, his stoic voice scaring you as you failed to break free.

"Jotaro, seriously, this isn't funny. You can stop now. Seriously, J-Jotaro!"

A tear slipped down your terrified face, your cheeks growing wet as they continued to fall like rain out of your flooded eyes. "Jotaro, enough..." Your quivering voice pleaded. "You're not Jotaro..."

Like it had suddenly begun, it was suddenly over. You were sitting in a chair at the same cafe you'd just been in hardly minutes before. Your tears were still flowing down your face as the familiar scents of your allies flooded your nose once again.

You looked around in confusion until you saw Jotaro, who was looking right at you with an expression you'd never seen before. He was smiling, but his eyes showed more emotion than his scent ever had. Was he truly happy that you'd waken up?

Although your dream was frightening, you knew Jotaro wouldn't do such a thing to you.

Quickly, without hesitation, you jumped out of your chair and leaped into his arms, which were already open and welcoming when you reached him. Tears were still coming out of your swollen eyes, but being in his real arms with the real Jotaro holding you tightly was truly joyful. His real scent was finally back where it belonged: Right beside you.

(599 words) Thank you for reading! There's more, so continue on to the next chapter! (*' I ')ノ゚(ノД`゚)゚。

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