Chapter 74

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     "Jotaro, Kakyoin, Mr. Joestar," You began as the car drove further down the dimly lit road. "I'm sure you all know exactly why I joined you on this journey, and I'm sure you know what I'm about to say, but I have something I need to take care of before I join you in battle."

     Jotaro was silent as you told them your plan. Your mother and your father. You could feel their presence ever since you arrived in Cairo. They were here, and it was finally time for your revenge. Although it made you demented at times, revenge was what you needed.

     "I understand, Y/n-Chan," Mr. Joestar said. "I'm sure you'll be able to find us once you've finished, so do what you must."

     A small smile found your face as you heard his words. "Thank you, everyone, for everything."

     Without another word, you opened the door and leaped from the car, landing steadily on your feet with your newly discovered ability.

     "Mother. Father. I hope you're prepared."

     You ran down the streets, the cold air stinging your cheeks and freezing your lungs. They were close, you could feel it, and the fury you felt continued to grow the farther you ran. Until you saw them.

     "Honey, what about this?" Your mother asked your father with a bright smile on her petite face. Her hair was done beautifully, her dress flowed with the light breeze as she showed your father a menu. He, too, was smiling. They were happy.

     You couldn't help but stare. They were seriously happy? What... had you ever done to make them unsatisfied. What had you ever done to make them throw you away? Why... were they so happy now that you weren't there.

     You gulped down your tears, refusing to cry over such people -no- such monsters. You would kill them, and it would all be over.

     However... your feet wouldn't move. Your arms wouldn't reach out. You couldn't even grab their attention. You... couldn't kill them.

     Seeing the smiles, the truly joyful smiles on their familiar faces, you couldn't kill them. Despite everything they'd done to you, you couldn't do it.

     You were frustrated with yourself for being unable to do it after coming such a long way. You hated that you couldn't slash their throats and never remember them again. You hated it, but you turned around and walked away.

     You walked without much reason. You weren't tracking down Jotaro, and you weren't looking for Mr. Joestar. You were walking mindlessly because you couldn't believe your own stupidity.


     Now's not the time, dammit! You finally told yourself. They need everything they can get to defeat DIO!

     Quickly, you closed your eyes and searched for Jotaro's scent. It was faint, some of it emitting from your own body, but there was another location. It was farther away, and it was moving quite fast.

     Bringing out your Stand, you prepared yourself for this sprint. Then, you blasted yourself forward, using speed your legs never had and strength your muscles could never handle without your power. You were careful to avoid cars and buildings as you found your way through the streets, searching for Jotaro with everything you had.

     Then, you saw him and Polnareff riding a motorcycle. You found your way to running beside them and smiled wide as Jotaro saw you.

     "Y/n! Is that a new ability!" Polnareff exclaimed.

     Jotaro looked at you worriedly, seeming to sense the uneasiness in your scent. It was true that you weren't in the best of spirits, but you would tell him later.

     "Ah! It's Mr. Joestar!" You informed after noticing the old man lying on the ground covered in blood. He was barely able to move, but he wanted you not to come any closer as you slowly approached him.

     "The World controls time! It's a Stand that controls time!" He yelled in your direction.

     "Za Warudo!"

     Suddenly, Mr. Joestar fell to the ground, a knife stabbed into his neck. Your eyes widened as DIO pointed in Jotaro's direction, an evil smile printed on his face.

     "Jotaro! You're next!"

(686 words) Thank you for reading! There's more, so continue on to the next chapter! ヾ(='ω´=)ノ”

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