Chapter 42 (Part 2)

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"Home sweet home.” I call out as we cross the threshold of my beloved Toronto penthouse suite. Fancy foreign hotels are dope for a while, but there is just no place like home.

After I spend ten minutes going through the mail I missed over the past few weeks, I head upstairs and find Jessie staring at the luggage she has piled up in my open walk-in closet.

“When I bought all this stuff, I must have thought a couple of pixies were just going to transport it all to my apartment.” She says sheepishly. “Can I just leave it here for now and pick it up another day?”

“Yeah, whatever. Not like we haven’t been sharing a closet for six weeks.”

“True.” She agrees, and then flops down onto the bed. “Ugh, I’m so fucking tired. Can we nap? Let’s nap.” She yawns.

“Just for a second.” I give into my own fatigue and lie down next to her.

"It feels so good to be back in Toronto." She muses, looking out the window at a helicopter hovering just above the skyline. “Have I told you how much I love this place?”

After sleeping in the same bed every night for six weeks, I thought I’d be looking forward to sleeping alone again. But as she nuzzles her head into the crook of my neck and my hand automatically finds that perfect resting place on the round curve of her ass, I realize that sleeping alone was never this comfortable.

I find myself revisiting an idea I’ve had in the past. An idea I’ve talked myself in and out of countless times over the past few weeks. This time, I’m not gonna overthink it.

Before I can back out, I reach over with my free hand and root around in my bedside table drawer for a minute before I find what I'm looking for.
“Open your hand.”

The fact that she obeys without any kind of resistance tells me how tired she is. I put the key in her open palm.
“What’s this?” She lifts her head off my chest.

“A key to the private elevator.” I say, with more confidence than I feel. “So you can come over whenever you want. Even when I'm not here.” I watch her face carefully for her reaction.

She stares at the key in her hand for an unbearably long time before she looks up again.

“But what if I walk in on you having sex with one of your other girlfriends?” She asks.

“Uh, well definitely don’t interrupt. Just back away quietly and close the door behind you.”

She smacks me with the spare pillow.

“Is this before I’m leaving my stuff here?” She asks sceptically, twirling the key around in her hand. “Coz I promise, I’m not trying to sneak move into your apartment.”

“No, I’m just saying. It makes sense for you to have your own key. Cash has one. Lamar has one. Hawk...” I list. “But if you don’t want it, you can give it back…” I hold out my hand.

“No, no, no, no. I want it.” She tucks the key into her pocket.

“Okay.” I nod.

“Okay.” She bites her lip, and I wonder if she’s feeling the same sense of achievement that I feel. The feeling like we’ve just unlocked the next level of the tricky multi-player game we’re playing.
Combined with the feeling of being home again, I think life at this exact moment is pretty great.


"So I know you’re all about the mystery, but can you just give me a little hint? A teeny-tiny hint."

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