Chapter 29

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Moments after Belly calls it a day and heads home, Cash and I look up as Hawk strolls into the tiny room in the studio, coffee in hand. 

“What are you doing here?” Cash asks in surprise.

“So a nigga can’t just come say wassup to his homies anymore?”

“Of course. But I wasn’t expecting to see you here today. I asked and you said you were going to be busy with-“

“Well, I was in the neighbourhood.” Hawk interrupts. He flops down into a chair and spins around nonchalantly.

“So… how’s it feel to be back, Abe? I thought we’d never see you in here again.”

”Good.” I say shortly. That’s a lie. Today hasn’t been good. I wasn’t expecting to be this worn out, seeing as it’s not a recording session, just a writing session. But the ideas aren’t flowing and my brain is starting to hurt.

“Oh yeah, Cash, some guy’s downstairs asking for you.” Hawk remembers suddenly.

“Who is it? What does he want?” Cash frowns.

“I don’t know, man. I didn’t ask him for his life story.” Hawk shrugs. “You should probably go though, he sounded pretty serious. Dressed in a suit and tie and everything.”

He rolls over to the door and peeps out, waiting until Cash’s muttering about being summoned like a servant fades away completely before he spins back to me.

"Quickly, before he comes back, what are we doing for Cash’s birthday?" He asks, promptly dropping the casual attitude. So that’s what he came for.

“You’re asking me? You’re the man with the plans.” I remind him.

"True. Where would you guys even be without me?” He grins, leaning back in the chair Godfather-style. “I was thinking we have an epic Boys Weekend in Vegas. I’m talking legendary shit. I’ve got all the clubs lined up. I got someone on cake design, I’ve seen pictures, it’s gonna be fucking wild. Since we're already going to be there for the PURE appearance... "

"Oh shit, that's this weekend?" I gasp.

"Yes! What, did you lose track of time while you were shacked up with your lady on your little stay-home vacation? Snap out of it." He snaps his fingers in front of my face. “There's no way we can slack on this.”

“I know, I know. I just forgot what day it was.” I hold my hands defensively. 

He’s right. Cash always makes a huge deal out of our birthdays. We have to give him something to remember. And whenever Hawk plans an event, it’s definitely memorable. I rub my head tiredly. It’s been a long time since I had to think this hard.

Being on a break was amazing. The last two weeks have flown by, a blur of movies, sex, early morning outings for coffee and late night deliveries of fast food.

"Shit, that means Christmas is in two days. I still haven't bought Jessie a Christmas present yet." 

“Just get her some expensive jewellery or some shit. They love that.” He suggests.

I shake my head. Terrible idea. Besides, if she wanted jewellery, she’d buy it herself. One thing I’ve learned about Jess in the past few weeks is that she’s really fucking impulsive. We could be walking past a random shop selling weird furniture and suddenly, she’d decide that she really needs to buy something from there. So without a second thought, she’d pop in and walk out with a lamp shaped like Toad from Super Mario.

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