Chapter 20

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As I arrive at the address Jessie gave me, I call up to her apartment. She picks up almost immediately.
"Hold on, one second." I hear loud sizzling in the background. Then a bang.
"Fuck!" She shouts.
"What's happening over there?"
After some more banging, she coughs, "I'm cooking."
"You're what?" I ask, but she’s already pressed the button that opens the door. I get in the elevator and tap the button for the third floor. Jessie, cooking? I have to see this for myself. 
A few seconds later, she opens the door, still coughing, and behind her, I see smoke drifting out of the kitchen. I push past her and go into the kitchen where the 'cooking' is going on.

Using a wet kitchen towel, I quickly cover the pan, extinguishing the flames. I look at her, speechless.
"Wow. Have you ever considered a career in fire-fighting?" She quips.
"Who told you that you could cook?"
"I was trying it out." She shrugs. "Frankly, I think home cooked food is overrated. I'm gonna stick to cafés and take-aways." She takes off the black and white striped apron she's wearing.
Uncovering the pan, I nod. "I think for everyone's sake, maybe you should."
"Is any of it edible?" She says, peeking into it.
"I don't even think this is safe to put in the trash."
She flicks me lightly with the back of her hand. "It's not that bad."
I look up from the black, charred remains of the food, meet her eyes and we both laugh.

“Pizza?” She suggests.

I quickly agree and she dials the number on a take-out menu she takes out of a drawer, starting to describe the pizza she wants to order.

"You mind if I..?" I hold up my pack of Newports.
"Balcony." She mouths, pointing at the glass door behind me.
As soon as I open the door, the noise and pollution of downtown Toronto hits me like a wall. I adjust to it quickly however and light up. As I exhale, I look out onto the busy road below. The view is completely different from the one from my place. Mostly because it's much lower to the ground. Instead of feeling like I'm on top of the world, like I do at my window, standing at the balcony, I feel more like I'm part of the bustle of city streets.
"Lovely, isn't it?" I hear from behind me. Done with her phone call, she's leaning in the doorway, taking in the view.
"Yeah, nice place you got here."
"It's not much, but it's mine, you know." Her face is actually glowing. "Now I can decorate like I always wanted. I was also planning to bake cookies for my neighbours but maybe that's not such a good idea." She says, smiling.
"Not unless you hate your neighbours." I reply and offer her the pack of cigarettes.
She declines with a shake of her head.

"Glad to be home?" She asks, rubbing her bare arms to warm herself in the chilly breeze. 
"Yeah, definitely." I nod. "But I'm heading to the UK soon to finish the tour."
"Really? I might see you there."
"In the UK?" 
"Yeah, I'm going back for a bit. I have some shit I need to sort out."
"Wow. I kinda assumed you were on the run or something." 
"No, silly." She chuckles lightly. "What have I told you about assuming things?”

I finish my cigarette so we can get off the cold balcony and she goes to retrieve a sweater while I have a look around her charming living room.

I spot a bookshelf in the corner and automatically scan the CDs for Kiss Land. Passing over various jazz, rock and R&B albums, I finally notice it beside a chunky black album box: Trilogy.
“You have both my albums.” I remark smugly as she re-enters the room.
“I have a lot of albums.” She rolls her eyes as she passes me on the way to the couch, now wearing a snug maroon sweater.

Leaning against the wall beside the bookshelf, I find a brown guitar. I’m simultaneously surprised and unsurprised by its presence. I had no idea she had a guitar but I can also easily imagine her picking out a melody on its strings.

"Is this new?" She turns to see what I'm looking at.
"Not that new." 
“Can you play?” I ask, picking it up and admiring the instrument. 
“Yes.” She answers tersely. 
“Play something.” I request. 
“I wanna hear you play something.” I say, holding it out to her. 
“Not gonna happen." She shakes her head and gives me a firm stare. I don’t budge. Finally, she sighs and takes the guitar from me, adjusting the instrument in her lap. 

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