Chapter 19

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On what must be the coldest day of the year so far, I plan to finally get my apartment in order. I’ve got a shit ton of boxes and bags lying around the place and it’s about time I stopped using them as furniture.

I start my productive day bright and early by hitting the gym with Rose. After a warming cardio session, we have our customary reward coffee where I share an idea with her.

“Once I get everything in order, I’m going to have a party to celebrate.” I tell her, using my coffee cup to warm my hands. It’s only November, barely chilly by Canadian standards but I’ve never been a fan of winter weather. “You and Joe are invited of course.”

"That sounds perfect. Who else is coming?"

"Not sure yet. I think I'll just send out a mass text to everyone and see who turns up." I haven’t lived here long enough to have amassed hundreds of contacts so there should be no problem when it comes to space.

"So like... Abel is gonna be there?" She asks.

"Probably." Her question puzzles me for a moment, until I realize where there is Abel, there is the XO crew. I smile as I reply, "why didn't you just ask if Hyghly was gonna be there? I saw you practically sitting in his lap at the after party."

"I was sitting next to him. We were just talking.” She emphasises the last two words with firm nods. "So what's the deal with you two anyway?"

“Me and Hyghly? Nothing. He seems cool, I guess. But I don’t really speak to him much...”

“No, you and Abel.” She clarifies.

"There is no deal with me and Abel." I say promptly.

"But you're sleeping together?"

"Not anymore."

"Right. Because you moved out. But, like… do you like him?"

"Like him? What is this? High school?" 

"You know what I mean. Would you be in a relationship with him? If he asked."

“He wouldn’t ask.” I shake my head. “What’s with all the questions? Where’s this coming from?”

“Nowhere.” She smiles hazily at me over her hot chocolate. “Just making conversation.” As she picks it up to take a sip, I notice her bare hand.

“Is everything alright with you and Joe?” I ask.

“Yeah, why wouldn’t it be?”

“You’re not wearing your ring.” The smile falls off her face and she looks down at her ringless finger. 

“I needed to get it adjusted. It didn’t fit properly.” She explains. 

“Really? Was it falling off?” I ask sceptically.

“Something like that.” She mumbles.

“Are you sure everything’s okay?” I ask again. She's been uncharacteristically quiet this morning. 

“Yes, everything’s peachy. In fact, I have to leave soon because we’re going to look at some wedding venues.” she tells me and we quickly finish our drinks so she can get going.


At home, the first bag I unpack contains a cool fruit bowl I bought online. After carefully placing it on the white table, I pour in the apples I bought for it and sigh contently.

It may be just a fruit bowl, but it stands for so much more. People with fruit bowls have their lives together. People with fruit bowls wake up in the morning with a plan for the day ahead.

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