Chapter 37

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On the way to the strip club for Hawk’s birthday, we stop to pick up the birthday boy from his apartment. Lamar is already in the front seat, having his usual pre-strip club nap to conserve energy he’s going to need later. My body’s crying out for some sleep too, but after a full day in the studio, I’m so exhausted, if I sleep now, I’m gonna be dead to the world for at least 5 hours. I pop a couple Adderalls to ensure that I’m good for another few hours.

As Cash predicted, the label wants me to release in the summer, due to ‘optimal timing’ and so-called ‘fan expectations’.

As if they’re going to know more about ‘fan expectations’ than I do. Like I’m not the one performing the shows and reading their occasionally very explicit messages on Twitter.

I’m usually good at brushing off demands, and negotiating deals to suit my own needs, but they were pretty insistent on this one.

Besides, it wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world to drop the album in the summer. I’m on an inspiration kick at the moment, so productivity is at an all-time high. If I keep going at this rate, I could possibly finish it before then, leaving me time to rework each track to perfection.

“Oh, shit. Cash told me what happened last week.” Hawk remembers suddenly. “Is Daniel still in the hospital?”

“I don’t know. Maybe?”

"Man, that fucking sucks. He seemed like a cool dude." He shakes his head sadly. "Jessie must be a wreck."

Not exactly.

I’ve barely seen her since I came back from New York, but I spent last night at her place, drinking wine and watching movies until she fell asleep. 

It’s not awkward between us, I doubt it ever could be, but it’s slightly uncomfortable when I’m going out of my way to make sure I don't mention Daniel or anything remotely brother related.

If her way of getting over him is pretending he doesn’t exist, then that’s exactly what we’re going to do.

Besides, who am I to judge? My favourite way of dealing with shit is losing myself in meaningless sex with strangers.

Our quiet ride is livened up when a wild Hyghly tumbles into the car, holding his jeans up with one hand and shoving Hawk into the middle of the backseat with the other.

“DRIVE!” He shouts and without wasting a second, Freddie puts the pedal to the metal and we speed away.

“Whose house was that?” I turn to look out of the window at the house he just came flying out of.

“I have no fucking idea, but I think her man just came home.” He chortles as he zips up his jeans. “Turn up the music, niggas. Tonight, we’re living life to the fullest!” He yells.

It’s been a month since he broke up with his girlfriend, and he’s finally moved out of the depressed “I want to be alone” stage into the “Fuck all women” stage. Figuratively and literally.

Not sure where he’s going next, but I definitely prefer this version of him. Just like back in the old days, he knows just how to get a party started.


Charlie’s is the kind of strip club you only imagine in your naughtiest dreams.

It’s easy to pass by the unremarkable grey brick building without even noticing it’s there, but once you’ve been inside and experienced everything it has to offer, it’s almost impossible to fully enjoy other clubs.

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