Chapter 12

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It’s 4.12am. The fourth time I check the time on my bedside table, I abandon all hope of falling asleep and get out of bed. After flicking past various TV shopping programmes and the news, I conclude that there's nothing on TV. I could put in a DVD, or maybe Netflix the shows I'm lagging behind on, but my mind drifts to the one other person I know who's probably awake, even at this hour. Before I can change my mind, I dial her number. 
"Hey." She picks up after only two rings. 
"Hey." I answer. An awkward pause follows where I start wondering why I even called in the first place. 
"Can't sleep?" She guesses correctly. 
"Nope. You home?" 
"Come over." 
"Ummm, sure." I hear a little noise of the other side of the call and then a bang of a door.

When she walks in a few minutes later, she takes one look at me, standing there in nothing but my boxers and her hands grip the hem of her t-shirt, tugging it over her head.

In no time, her shorts join her shirt on the floor and she’s backed up against the wall, my body moulded into hers. I kiss her mouth, her jaw, her neck.

My fingers trace a trail down her flat stomach. Undeterred by her underwear, I slip them underneath the silky material. While her tongue works its way into my mouth, I work my way into her pussy.

Eventually, her knees start to buckle and I lift her up, wrapping her legs around my waist. I collapse backwards onto the couch and she puts her warm hands on my face as she sucks on my neck.

Instinctively, my body responds, my fingers reaching out for the soft skin of her back and pulling her against me.

I’m aware of my own heavy breathing against her ear as she grinds against my crotch.

She pulls away, smiling a little. For a second, I think she’s going to say something but instead she gets out of my lap, stretching her lean body out before dropping to her knees and releasing me from my boxers.

I take out her hairband, push her hair out of her face and tangle my fingers into her light brown locks as her mouth gets to work.


When my alarm rings two hours later, I kiss her neck one last time, reluctantly roll off her, and drag my ass out of bed.
"I gotta go."

Jessie sits up and yawns loudly. "You're gonna go out? Now?"

As much as I would like to stay and enjoy her body a little more, maybe after a quick nap, I have to start getting ready. The album is finally finished so I would normally have a little more time to chill but this morning, I'm meeting with some label executives. I'm also performing at OVO Fest later and I have to go early for sound check.

“I have to work.” I explain.

"Wow. Do you ever sleep?"

"I could ask you the same thing." I can’t even count the amount of times she’s sent me a message in the late hours of the night. Not to mention the times she’s left my place just after dawn.

"I sleep a lot. Just not at night." She says, getting out of the bed on the other side.

As she starts looking around the messy room for her clothes, an idea hits me. 

"What are you doing today?"

"Not sure yet. Why?" She asks suspiciously, from the floor. I spot her blue panties next to the dresser in front of me and pick them up. She stands up and takes them from me, putting them on.

“Wanna come to a show?” I ask.

“You’re having a concert today?”

"It's not my show. I'm just performing one song. It's Drake's. You know who Drake is, right?" I tease.

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