Chapter 1

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Cash always says “no supervision: no drugs, no alcohol.”

I know this. And yet, here I am: all alone in my apartment, drinking gin and faded out of my mind. It’s been a rough couple of days. I’ve been at the studio so much, recording, re-recording, fine-tuning, I barely get any sleep. I should probably invite the guys over, play some FIFA or something but I’m not in the socialising mood. Walking by the kitchen, I grab a box of smokes and lighter off the counter and go to stand by the window. One of the many perks of owning a suite on the twenty-eight floor of a hotel: the view is incredible.

After gazing out at the lively night-time Toronto streets for a while, I take a pack of honey loops and a jacket and decide to go for an indoor walk. The peace and quiet of the hallways downstairs after 2 am always puts things in perspective.

10 minutes later, I find myself wandering the empty hallways of the hotel noticing all the details in the framed fake paintings and the way the classy lighting highlights the colours in the rich carpet when suddenly… CRASH. My honey loops go flying.

Fuck, I should have probably looked up as I turned that corner.

“Oh my gosh, I’m so sorry!” says the girl I just crashed into, looking at all the honey loops rolling around on the floor.

“It’s fine.” I mumble, picking up the now practically empty pack. That was my last one. And the only place I know where to buy them from is this little shop in my old neighbourhood.

“Wow. You won’t believe this but…” She reaches into her bag and fumbles for a bit before pulling out a pack of the same brand of honey loops I just lost. I stare at her. She smiles.

Now that I look at her properly, I see that although she’s obviously had a long day, she’s actually quite attractive. She has her light brown hair up in a messy bun with a few wisps escaping and framing her soft-looking face. Her smile shows off some dimples and the sparkle of her piercing green eyes contrasts perfectly with her smooth honey coloured skin.

“Where did you get that?” I ask.

She laughs. “Don’t worry, it’s not stolen. Here, have it. I have more in my suite anyways.”

Now I can’t help notice how great her voice is, kinda raspy in that sexy way and damn, she has a British accent. I must be more faded than I thought. Why am I getting stuck on these things?

I hesitate for a moment and take the pack. “Umm. Thanks.”

“Any time.” She replies, already walking away. After about three steps of her smooth long legs, she reaches into her jacket pocket and pulls out a key card. She’s staying in my building? How have I never seen her before? Because I’m damned sure I’d remember an ass like that.

“I’m Abel, by the way!” I call, as she swipes the card and opens the door to suite 707.

She smiles again. “I know. That hair is pretty distinctive,” she winks as she closes the door behind her.

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