Chapter 10

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When I wake up to the bright sunlight burning through the blinds, the faint hint of Abel's musky scent on my sheets is the only indication that he was here last night. I don't even remember him leaving.

The bright sunlight shining on the empty side of the bed promises a nice sunny day ahead. A sunny day spent completely alone in my hotel room. I sigh. It's gonna be a long day. I stretch out and grab my phone. The screen displays a message from Abel sent at 5.28am:

You tapped out first. I win the stamina game. ;)

I flashback to the night's non-stop activity. Before I met Abel, I thought I had fairly good stamina. I can literally dance all night. But doing endless shows on tour apparently makes you superhuman. Well, at least that explains the ache in my thighs.

He's been over almost every day this week, except one day that he was too busy because of an award show or something.  When he mentioned it, I was surprised by the fact that I actually felt a little disappointed that we wouldn't be getting together. Perhaps I need to distance myself from him a little. The sex is still amazing, but the level of attachment is getting a little too high for my comfort.

Along with Abel’s message, there are three other messages from friends reminding of games to be played and lunches to be shared. Normally, I'd be glad for something to do to pass the time but on days like this, the unpleasant feeling of homesickness settles in and the terrible loneliness that comes along with it. I put the phone back down and wrap the covers tight around myself.

A short train of thought away from wondering why I even decided uprooting my life and jetting off to a completely foreign continent was a good idea, I shake myself and stand up. Enough of this fucking self-pity. First steps to feeling better: a refreshing walk and some warm food.

I stride purposefully when I get out onto the street, stopping only once to change the music blaring in my headphones from the old jazzy ballads that sad Jessie likes to listen to, instead opting for some more current indie guitar strums.

After a long walk around the area, I end up at the café, but even after allowing Liv to refill my coffee two more times than usual, it's still too bright outside to go back. The thought of waiting out the sunny day in my lonely hotel room makes my stomach churn with dread.

"Mind if I sit here?" A man’s voice asks politely.

"Actually, I'm waiting for someone." I answer without looking up.

"Oh, I'll just keep you company until they get here." He sits down opposite me. "I hate to see a sad pretty girl sitting by herself."

"What makes you think I'm sad?" I marvel at the nerve of this tall stranger.

"I've been over there watching you stare into space for about 10 minutes. You haven't even touched your coffee. Are you okay?" He asks kindly, tilting his head to one side.

"You're the one who's been watching me stare into space for 10 minutes. Are YOU okay?"

He laughs the kind of laugh where his whole face lights up and his dark brown eyes almost close completely.

"Yes, I am. Thanks for asking. I'm Gabe. Gabriel. And I promise I'm not as creepy as I must seem right now." After some thought, he adds. "But I guess that's just the kind of thing a creep would say…"

I can't help but smile at his nervous joke.

"Hey! She smiles! I knew there was a beautiful smile to go with that beautiful face."

"What do you want, Gabriel?" I ask.

"A million dollars. Eternal happiness. World peace. A lot of things. But from you, I guess, your name?"

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