Chapter 5

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The bright room comes into focus as I blink once, twice, three times. The beautiful blank feeling of the morning vanishes when I turn and see the time on my nightstand. 2.47pm?! Shit! I’m supposed to be watching my friend Samuel play handball in the park at 3pm. Throwing the sheets to the side, I leap out of bed and rush to the bathroom. There’s no time for a shower, so I just brush my teeth, pull on a sundress, scrape my hair into a pony tail and rush out the door.

“You were late.” Sam says when he comes to find me as the game goes into half-time.

“Only a few minutes.” I say cheerfully. “I saw you out there, kicking ass. You’re really good.”  I’ve already missed several of his games and for the ones I do make it to, I’m always late. He tries to stay mad but his eyes light up and a proud smile escapes.

“It’s not me. The whole team’s pretty good this season. We might even qualify for the league.”

“Wow! That’s great!” I say enthusiastically. I don’t know much about handball but that sounds like good news. We chat for a little while longer until Sam’s teammates call him over to resume the game. The second half is even more hectic than the first with the opposing team coming back with a renewed determination to even the score. The excitement in the crowd is contagious and soon I’m jumping and shouting along with everyone else. Sam really is an amazing player. He’s scoring most of the goals for his team and doing so with a ferocious attitude unlike off the court where he’s shy and quiet. I decide to take some pictures so I can show him later. When he scores his next goal, I get the perfect shot. His face is drawn into a hilarious grimace, his teeth bared and eyes focused completely on his target. I have a little laughing fit just looking at the photo then I get an idea.

I send the picture to Abel with the caption:

Your cum face.

We’ve been texting for about a week. Mostly pictures, sometimes words but always either very explicit or just plain offensive.

He replies with a picture of a screaming ghoul with the words “Bae I’m about to cum” written on it. I chuckle and put my phone back in my pocket. Within a few minutes, it buzzes again.

We’re celebrating at my place tonight. Be there at 11?

Well, I guess he’s back in Toronto. I promised Sam I’d go out bowling with him and some of the other teams after the game and I have no idea when that will finish so I reply:



After bowling, Sam and some others decide to go to a restaurant downtown. As usual, I’m starving so I waste no time accepting the invitation to tag along. A few hours later, I’m cracking up laughing at something Sam has said when I catch a pretty brunette sitting further down the table staring at him. This is the fourth time. She immediately looks away, fiddling with her empty glass.
"Looks like someone has a crush on you." I tell him, nodding towards the girl.
He turns to look at her. "Who, Angela?" He says sceptically. "Nah, she doesn't think of me that way."
"Oh, she totally wants to fuck you."
"Jessie!" I forgot about his aversion to the f-word.
"Oops. I meant she totally wants to 'get busy' with you." I say with air quotes. "Just look at the way she's giving me the jealous evils right now."
"You think?" He looks at her again and smiles. "She's really cool. She's got the highest goal average of any female player." His eyes light up with admiration. He really needs to find someone deserving of his puppy-like affection and if that’s this Angela chick, then I’m going to make it happen.
"Well? What are you waiting for? Go buy her a drink." I nudge him.
"Ok..." He says shyly. "But what about you?"
"What about me? I'll be fine. I should get going anyway. I have a party to go to."
"Oh really? Whose party?" He asks. He’s trying to stall and I’m not going to let him.
"Just… a neighbour." I answer, standing up and pulling him up with me. I ruffle his hair a little and push him in her direction. “Now go get you some action.”

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