Chapter 7

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I'm on my fifth lap when I hear the door to the pool room shut. It's almost 3am, but I can’t sleep. I’ve struggled with insomnia for pretty much my whole life and it got better for a while. I think the weed helped mellow me out and I could just slip off to sleep. But not anymore.

As I reach the end of the pool, a shadow looms above the water. I emerge to find Jessie standing there holding a pair of heels, looking down at me.

"Late night swim?"

I wipe the water off my face. Of course it's her.

"Mind if I join you?" She says, already putting down the shoes and unzipping her dress.

"It's a free country." I reply, moving aside to let her get in.

She steps out of the dress, revealing a pink bra and thong. She sits down on the edge of the pool and slides in, causing the water to splash a little.

"So what are you doing here?" I ask. "You stalking me?"

"Well, I was going to do a little skinny dipping. Thought there would be no one down here. What are you doing swimming this late?" She replies, making the water ripple into little waves with her hands.

"I couldn't sleep."

“That’s interesting.” She murmurs.


“I once heard someone say something about the key to a good night’s sleep being a good orgasm…” She says, the blue pool making her eyes look brighter than usual.

“You’re right, that is interesting.” I smile.

She suddenly sinks into the water, disappearing for a few moments before resurfacing with her hair wet.

Just before she takes off, she says "The first to the other side gets to be on top." We race. She wins.


"Hey! Abel, wake up!" Lamar hits me in the shoulder.

Shit. I fell asleep in the studio?

"What did you say? Sorry. I was up all night." I say, reaching into the jar of pills and pop a few Addies.

"I thought you were over that whole insomnia shit." He asks.

"I am.” I insist. He doesn’t need to know that it’s back. His weird suggestions never help anyway. “I just went for a late swim and Jessie showed up and then... we were up all night."

"In the pool!?" he asks. "Nigga, now I can't swim there."

I scoff. "Like you know how to swim."

"Maybe I was gonna learn."

"Well, don't learn in the shower either. Or the bench in the changing room."

"Damn, son. You guys got around." Despite his words, I can sense his approval.

I shrug and swig my drink to make the pills go down.

"So this bitch is pretty special, huh?" He leans back in his chair and grins playfully.

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"It's been a while since you fucked the same girl more than once."

"Or maybe I don't tell you every time I have sex."

"Yeah, right." He chuckles.

“Let's play that track again. I'm good now." I say, putting my drink down.

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