Chapter 25

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I don’t remember her name; she was just saved as “Bad Bitch 2” in my phone. Bad Bitch 1’s number was out of service.

It doesn’t matter what her name is. As soon as she walks into the VIP with one of her friends, I recall exactly how she earned the number two spot in my London phonebook. And how good she’s going to make me feel tonight.

I already got pretty faded today in the studio so I just kick back in the couch and watch the world move in slow motion.

Several popped bottles later, BB2 dances sexily with her friend, grinding up against her to the sound of Drake’s new music playing in the background. Someone gets the weed out and they come and sit down on either side of me, passing a blunt back and forth while I enjoy my own.

I used to love this shit. Live for it, even.

But now I’m only here because French is in town with his crew and convinced me to go out with them. He’s on the other side of the VIP, getting a lap dance from a thick chick wearing nothing but a skimpy black dress with the straps pulled down so her breasts are out on display.

Beside me, BB2 whispers in my ear about all the dirty things she’s going to do for me once we get back to my suite. At this point, I can barely feel my face so if we don’t leave soon, I’m going to have to be carried out.

Her phone buzzes and I see “Baby” flash up on the screen followed by a heart emoji. She quickly declines the call and rubs up closer to me. I guess being with The Weeknd is worth ruining a relationship for.

While I absently watch her blow smoke into her friend’s mouth, my mind wanders in a completely different direction. 

There are several reasons why I should be happy, relieved that Jessie turned me down:

1. I like being alone.

2. There are too many girls in the world to settle down with one.

3. I'm far too busy for a relationship.

I stand up and they both eagerly follow me out. All I really need is somebody to touch, a way to pass the time until I go back to work. A distraction.


Less than two hours after falling asleep, I'm woken out of my slumber by a distant British voice talking on the phone.

"Mmm... Jess?" I croak, slowly trying to open my eyes against a blinding headache.

"No, it's Kate." The blonde corrects me. I squint at her smug face and try to remember how BB2’s friend got into my bed.

She puts her phone away and rests her head on the pillow next to mine, getting comfortable.

How do I get her out of my suite? She clearly doesn’t understand how this works. She’s not supposed to be here when I wake up. BB2’s gone. What makes her think she can stay?

“So what are we doing today, babe?” She asks. 

We? I can’t believe I called her Jess. Their accents aren’t even the same. Where Jessie’s voice is smooth and sophisticated, this girl’s one is grating against my nerves. I have to stop her in her tracks. 

“I’m going back to sleep. And I think you should probably get going.” I tell her bluntly and feel no guilt as she gathers her belongings and slips out the door. I’m already getting back to my old self.


Later in the day, when it’s time to go back to the studio, I walk into Cash’s suite to find absolute chaos. Half-eaten food is on the table, the fragments of a cup lay scattered across the floor in a thousand pieces while Cash paces back and forth holding both of his phones.

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