Chapter 41

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“Are you kidding me? Superman would fuck Batman all the way up.” LJ gasps in disbelief.

“If it came down to a man-to-man, or more like man-to-alien battle, Batman is smart enough that he would show up with a little bit of Kryptonite in his back pocket and dumbass little Clark Kent would get his ass handed to him.”

"Because of course he’d have to fight dirty. The nigga doesn't even have any powers. His greatest power is the writers. They just make it so he fucking wins all the time."

"So what you're saying is... Batman comics are better written." 

He gives me the same look of disdain as when he first saw me reading the comic on the bus. “There’s just no convincing you, is there?”
“Nope.” I smile warmly. “And I think you need to be on stage in 30 seconds.”

With a final exasperated sigh, he picks up his bass guitar and jogs towards the curtain. I head in the opposite direction to take my place in the crowd. 
One of the reasons why I keep turning down the option of watching the show from the screens backstage is the lack of fan interaction. Sure, the performance is great, but it's the crowd’s personal reaction to each song which is amazing to experience. And different in every city.
In the sea of OVO fans in the VIP section, I find myself next to a young girl dressed in an oversized XO hoodie and tights. 
“You here to see The Weeknd?” I ask, though her outfit makes it pretty clear. 
“Yes! I’m so excited! I took a train for four hours to get here.” She has a strong accent, but her English is perfect. 
“By yourself? Let me guess, your friends aren’t really big fans.”
“No, they like him too, but I wanted to come alone. They will only hold me back.”
“Hold you back from what?”
"After the show, I am going to get backstage and go back to his hotel with him. And I am going to fuck him all night."
"I'm sorry, you're going to what him?" I choke on air.
"I am going to fuck him. I am going to be the best he has ever had." The level of determination in her expression is either scary or inspirational. 
"Umm... How old are you?"
"15." She answers, without a second of hesitation.
"Don’t you think you’re a bit young for him?" I try my best to keep my face straight.
"No. And I am so sick of hearing you old bitches saying that." She gives me a deadly glare. "You think you have a better chance with him because you have got wrinkles and your tits are saggy? Please. Everyone knows The Weeknd only likes white girls." 
For a second, I consider slapping this bitch off the face of the planet. But I'm not in the business of smacking teenagers around. Even twits like this one who tell their delusional fantasies to literal strangers.
Instead, I take a deep breath, paste on my sweetest smile and nod. "You're right. I guess I'm just jealous of you. And your youth.” I give her a patronising pat on the head. “I'd wish you luck with meeting him, but you probably won't need it." 
With that, I turn and move towards the more sane fans. And to think, I was going to get Abel to sign something for her.


After the show, I find the bitchy girl at the backstage door, trying to flirt with the security guard. He doesn’t even bat an eye at her attempt to pout and sweet talk her way in.
"Hey Luca." I smile and wave as he opens the door to let me past.
"Hello Jessie." He answers gruffly. 
Lil Bitch's eyes widen into saucers. Her jaw is practically touching the floor. Fully aware of how childish I’m being, I give her a quick wink over my shoulder before I go to find Abel.

I was so distracted by my Batman vs Superman discussion with LJ that I didn’t memorise the route back to his dressing room. Even so, I don’t search for long before I turn a corner and find him leaning against the wall, eating an apple and typing on his phone as usual. He looks up as I approach. 
“There you are.” He smiles. “Everyone left already. Let me get my stuff and we’ll get going.” He crosses to the other side of the bright red hallway. 
I glance at him and gasp. “Stop! Wait a minute.”
“Why? What happened?” He freezes. 
“Nothing. That's just a really cool background. Let me take a picture.” I get my phone out and start backing up to get a better view.

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