Chapter 11

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"He proposed!!!" Rose screeches over the phone line. "I mean, I knew he would but he did it! He did it and it was PERFECT!"

She hasn't got a clue that I already know. Of all the people I've met since I moved here, Rose is by far the closest to me. So when her boyfriend Joe called me and told me about his idea for an adorable proposal, I wasted no time agreeing to help keep her away from the house while he set it up. She didn’t suspect a thing; the only thing she asked on our girls’ day out at the spa was why I'd been too busy to hang out lately. Joe didn't tell me the exact details of the proposal so I ask: "How did he pop the question? I bet it was crazy romantic."

"Oh my God. You have no idea. He had the whole apartment decorated with roses and candles. He gave me this book of poems. On the first page was a poem he wrote about me and when I turned the page, the rest of them were cut out and the ring box was just sitting in there.” She giggles and I hear Joe in the background muttering something. "Okay, okay. He wants me to get off the phone now but I'll tell you all about it on Saturday at the engagement party. He's organised a little party in the park! You have to be there."


On the afternoon of the party, I rush down the street in a floral sundress and a pair of wedged sandals. I’m running late as usual but hopefully Rose took my terrible punctuality into account when she told me what time to come.

When I get to the park, Joe is standing in the front of the crowd and telling the story of how he got Rose to go out with him.

“First time I met Rose was in History class, sophomore year. Every time the teacher asked a question, Rose's hand would shoot up to answer. She answered every single question he asked. Eventually he had to tell her to calm down and let the others have a chance. So instead, she whispered the answers to the boy sitting next to her. I was lucky enough to be that boy. This beautiful girl just wanted to get the questions answered; it didn’t even matter if she didn’t get the credit for it. I asked her out that day, right after the class. She turned me down flat. But I was so infatuated with this smart, amazing girl who whispered the answers in my ear. So I went to her house with a bunch of roses, like her name, and asked again. Another rejection. 'I'm too busy with schoolwork for a relationship', she said. 'I’ll wait’, I replied. Every month, I would give her roses and every month, she would say “Thank you. But no.” She rejected me but she would come to class, smelling like roses, and sit next to me, whispering the answers in my ear. To me, this was unbelievably romantic. I pretended that she was whispering sweet nothings when in reality, she was telling me the date that JFK was assassinated. November 22, 1963 if you’re interested.” He pauses as the captivated crowd chuckles. “It was crazy. The fact that she didn't get a restraining order against me was a miracle. Instead she just smiled and tolerated me while I worked my way up from sitting next to her in class, to sitting with her at lunch, walking with her in the hallways, carrying her books, to finally becoming her study partner and maybe even best friend. We studied together, laughed together, had serious life conversations together. All while I was bringing her roses every month and getting rejected every month. Until one day when she finally said yes. In fact, I think her exact words were 'Okay, okay, I give in.'" The crowd laughs again as Rose blushes.

"And last week, that beautiful girl who whispered sweet history in my ear became the amazing woman who said yes to becoming my wife. And I only had to ask once!" He adds, to the sound of the guests' loud cheering and clinking glasses.

"I love you, Rose. And I can't wait to spend the rest of my life trying to make you the happiest woman in the world."

They make eye contact and smile at each other as if they're the only ones in the park.

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