Chapter 27

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“Okay, now I really need to get going.” I say reluctantly.

“Five more minutes.” Abel murmurs, kissing my shoulder as I try to escape from his hold.

“You said that 10 minutes ago.” I giggle as he runs his fingertips over the ticklish skin on my side. I turn over and stroke his face lightly. He hasn’t shaved in a few days; his usual stubble is closer to full-on beard mode.

Looking victorious, he pushes my hair back from my face. In the same motion, he lets his hand trail down my back and firmly grab my ass while his lips softly press against mine.

I enthusiastically kiss him back for a little bit, lulling him into a false sense of security before I quickly slink out of bed.

He groans in disappointment as his hand lands on the empty sheet. I throw a triumphant smile over my shoulder and then bend over to slip on my underwear.

I was in the middle of getting dressed when he unexpectedly showed up for a early morning tumble beneath the sheets.

As if it isn’t already extraordinarily difficult to resist his charms and remember my prior commitments on a cold winter day like today, but it’s even harder to get ready when my bra is being repeatedly unfastened by his quick fingers.

Taking care to stay out of his reach, I finally manage to retrieve the jeans that were so hastily discarded two hours ago when he unbuttoned them. He watches me lazily as I wiggle my hips to get them up.

"Your turn. Get up." I say, once they’re safely zipped.

"Nah, I think I might stay here actually." He folds his arms behind his head and leans back against the headboard.

"Nope. I need to leave now, and you need to leave now." I say firmly. 

"Why? You scared that I'm finally going to discover where you keep your precious comics?" he teases.

"Ha. Not even." I shake my head. "When you came over, you said you only had an hour before you had to be out of here. And that was…” I glance at my watch as I put it on. “almost two hours ago.”

“Really? Oh well. I'd rather sit here and enjoy the view before you cover it all up." He gestures to my body while I hurriedly look around for clothes to wear.

"Damn right, I’m covering up. It's freezing cold outside." I put on a long-sleeve black top over my tank.

"If you get back in, I’ll figure out a way to keep you warm. And you won’t need any clothes at all." He suggests in a low voice, lifting the sheet slightly.

“Sounds great, you'll have to show me some time. But I have to leave now.” I say, with more conviction than I feel.

“Where are you in such a rush to get to?” He asks curiously.

"I’m going to see the doctor with Rose."

"Oh." His face turns serious.  "How is she?"

"I don't know. .. It’s kind of complicated.” I wonder whether I should tell him about the baby daddy situation. Hyghly is his friend after all.

“I’ve got time.” He says, inaccurately.

I hesitate for a moment before I quickly explain the situation.

"So it might be Hy's baby?" His eyes go wide when I finish. “That’s wild. I mean, I saw them talking but shit…” he trails off, rubbing his head.

“My feelings exactly.”

"His girl is gonna be pissed." He remarks.

"Hyghly has a girlfriend?!" I gasp.

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