Chapter 22 Part 2

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Abel’s door is opened by none other than Cash.

“Hi Jessie!” He says enthusiastically.

I look behind me to see if there’s another Jessie there. One that he doesn’t hate and hasn’t been avoiding for weeks.

“Yes, you.” He chuckles and moves aside to let me in. “Come on in.”

I hesitantly step into the apartment and look around. I haven’t been here in a while, but not much has changed.

“Where’s Abel?” I ask the alien pretending to be Cash.

“He’ll be here soon.”

“How soon?” I narrow my eyes. I’m not in the mood to wait around, and especially not with Cash.

"Like 20 minutes?”

“Alright,” I take my jacket off and get comfortable on the couch. Due to the couch’s low back, I can sit sideways and look out of the window right behind it.

Ignoring my reflection, I focus on the dark skyline beyond, finding it strangely calming how many lights there are in the distance. I’d never be able to count them all, but I’m tempted to start.

A few minutes later, Cash approaches me.

“Hey, can I speak to you for a moment?" He asks. 

Another request? I'm definitely not going to any weddings with Cash, if that's what he wants.

"Umm. Sure." He sits down next to me, careful to leave a space between us.

“First, can I get you a drink?”

“Are you going to spit in it?” I ask.

“No, of course not.” He forces a laugh. I shrug. It was a fair question.

“Then yes, I’d like a drink.” As he starts pouring out a glass of wine, I add “You know what? Just bring the whole bottle.”

He obliges, bringing over the bottle with two glasses.

"You probably hate me, so I'll make this short. I just wanted to say, I'm sorry for the way I have been behaving towards you. Like an asshole." He clarifies and I nod slightly in agreement. "I don't know why. Because I do think you’re cool. We just got off to a bad start. Now I'm not expecting you to want to be my best friend or anything. But I was wondering if maybe we could be on speaking terms?"

He says the words carefully, like he's practiced them. Maybe it's that he seems really sincere, or perhaps hearing what Abel went through with Madison has given me a chance to see myself from a different perspective, but I find myself seriously considering his proposal. 

This is so out of the blue. Last time I saw him, he was all… Cash. And now, he wants to be buddies? What changed? I wonder. Then I’m struck by a thought. 

"Did Abel put you up to this?" I ask suspiciously. He starts shaking his head. 

"Kinda." He admits when he sees how little I believe him. "But I really am sorry. And I brought you something. Like a peace offering." He reaches behind the sofa and brings out a box. 

When he places it carefully in my hands, I gasp loudly. "A PS4?! For me?! How did you get this? They're not out until tomorrow!" I should know. I have one pre-ordered.

"Ahh, I have my ways." He winks as I turn the large box over in my lap.

"Oh my God." I say under my breath, overwhelmed by the kind gesture. 

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