Chapter 15

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"Oh, I didn't know she was coming." Rose says, too nonchalantly.

"Sorry, I didn't think you would mind." I apologize. Max asked if she could come with me to the gym and I couldn't think of any reason why she shouldn't. Although, seeing Rose's annoyance, I’m now remembering that they didn't get along too well last time they met.

"No, of course I don't mind." She shrugs casually.


"What?" She blinks innocently.

"If you don't tell me, I won't know." I've seen her do this thing with Joe where she doesn't tell him there is a problem and then complains to me about it. Which is ridiculous anyway because she always wears her emotions on her face.

"I don't like her." Rose admits guiltily.

"You've only met her once." I remind her.

"I know, but she's... a lot." She looks pointedly at Max, who's currently flirting with the well-built personal trainer, making sure to open her mouth enough times so he can see her new tongue piercing.

“She’s just looking for fun, that’s all. I can kinda relate to her."

“No, you’re always looking for fun.” She points out. “That girl’s looking for trouble.”

However, when Max walks back to us, after a final wink at the buff trainer, she kindly offers her an invitation to lunch with us. 

"No offence, Rosemary but no. I've got my eyes on a different kind of lunch." She answers without looking at her.

I shoot Rose an apologetic look but she excuses herself to go use the treadmill.

"J, come help me do crunches." She says and I follow her to the mat.

“So Kiss Land came out last week.”

“Yeah.” I answer pointlessly.

"Have you heard from The Weeknd since he went on tour?" She asks as she lies down.

I shake my head and take a sip of my water before I hold her ankles.

"No, me neither. He doesn't talk much, does he?" She adds after a thoughtful pause.

"Abel?" I ask, incredulously. "Are you kidding? He never shuts up."

"He barely says anything to me." She frowns. "Not that I'm complaining. He puts in work elsewhere if you know what I'm saying."

"Oh, I know."

"I mean, he's amazing in the sack."

"Gotcha."  I nod, masking my surprise. Of course he fucked her. She's gorgeous and he's... him.

"Like, an ‘Oh my God, I’m having a spiritual experience’ level of incredible."

I force a laugh. "Wow Max, marry him, why don't you?"

"Oh, I wish."


As we get changed, Max stands in front of the mirror, taking selfies. Even after a gym session, she looks great. Though she did spend a lot of time talking to the personal trainer while Rose and I worked out. I guess it paid off because she's going home with him after his shift.

“Rosemary, what’s with the stockings? I know you're getting hitched but are you preparing to be a grandmother already?” She asks into the reflection as Rose pulls up her cute blue tights.

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