Chapter 3

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The next day, I’m battling a fierce hangover when Rose tells me that we’re going out with The Weeknd and the guys from the club again on Friday.

"When exactly did I agree to this?" I groan from the floor, tucked up between the bed and the dressing table as it seems to be the only place in my suite where the unbearable sunlight doesn’t reach.
"I believe it was somewhere between your clumsy bartending performance and your in-depth exploration into why limos are for losers and taxis are the way forward."
"Wow." I cringe at the thought of yammering on about taxis in front of virtual strangers.
"I don't know about you but I'm actually excited for this. It was really cool hanging out with them last night. Hyghly was especially nice to me. And they sure know how to party."
I don't remember much about last night but I think I had a good time. At least I woke up in my own bed, which is more than I can say about some nights. Rose came over first thing in the morning with freshly baked muffins. Normally I wouldn’t even entertain the idea of waking up this early, especially with the night we had, but her muffins are unbelievably good.
"You don’t even seem hung-over. How come you remember so much? "
"Because I wasn't the one trying outdrink Abel."
"I wasn't trying to outdrink him."
"You went shot for shot until I got bored of watching you."
"How did you even have time to watch me when you had your hands full with this Hyghly guy?"
"It wasn't like that. He wasn't hitting on me or anything. I have a boyfriend, remember? It was... He was pouring me drinks and we were just talking." Lost in thought for a minute, she folds an empty muffin wrapper in half and half again.
"If you say so." I drag myself sluggishly up off the floor. "Isn't your big date tonight?" Her boyfriend Joe has organised a date where Rose has no idea where she’s going. All he told her was to “dress up.” No doubt, it’ll be super romantic, in classic Joe style.
"Yup. You still up for helping me get ready?"
"Of course. I just need to drink a glass of water or two and lie very still in the dark for a while."


After Joe and Rose leave - her eyes securely covered with the blindfold he brought - I crack open a chilled beer, order a pizza and settle in to continue with the amazing video game I’ve been addicted to recently. My ideal Saturday night.

About 10 minutes later, there is a loud knock at the door. The pizza’s here already? Well, given that I order the same one almost every day, I wouldn’t be surprised if they have it premade for me, ready for dispatch. I grab my purse and pull the door open. But instead of Dan the pizza guy, there’s Abel Tesfaye - standing in my doorway with a panicked expression.

“Can I come in for a sec?” he blurts out. Still in mild shock, I step aside and let him in. He rushes in, turns around and pushes the door closed. It’s one thing bumping into a famous person in the hallway or at the club; it’s another experience entirely when he knocks on your door and practically runs into your home while you’re in your ‘comfortable shorts’ and the baggy hoodie from high school.

“I’m really sorry ‘bout this. Some chicks saw me in the lobby and practically chased me around the hotel. And as I was running past, I remembered you were staying here. Thought you might hide me for a bit?” He apologises, looking sheepish.

“Wow. Sure. If you shove those clothes off, you can have a seat on the couch.” I regain control of my vocal cords. “Would you like a beer?”

“Umm, yeah. Thanks.” He starts gently moving the pile of dresses Rose was trying on earlier while I grab another beer from the six-pack in the mini fridge. “So… you live here? I’ve never seen you around.” He looks around my suite, noticing the few homely touches I’ve tried to add to the place, namely the shelving unit of books and music, the PS3 and the large spray-painted canvas above the bed.

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