Chapter 34

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"Come on! We're going to be late."
"Yes, I heard you the first time." She jogs past me on her way to her closet. "And the fourth time. And the 17th time."
"Our flight leaves in two hours and we need to be on it.” I ignore her sarcastic tone.
"I know, but can I at least make some coffee?"
"You can have coffee on the plane."
“You’re not going to like me if I don’t have my morning coffee.” She warns.
“I’m not going to like you if we miss this flight.” I counter.
"Besides, you should've thought about that before you left packing till the last minute. Literally." I was stunned when I came over to pick her up for the airport, and she was still in bed.
"You didn’t tell me we were leaving this early. I thought I had the whole of today free to pack, or at least a few hours!" She tosses a handful of dresses at me and I drop them into the suitcase. 
"I told you the flight time two weeks ago!" I shake my head.
"You did no such thing." She whirls around defensively.
"I specifically remember forwarding the email to you." I maintain.
"Oh, that explains it. I haven't checked my email in like a month." She rolls her eyes and turns back to her closet. "Why didn't you just text me?"
"I thought you got your emails to your phone like literally every other person in the 21st century."  
"I could never figure out how to do that." After chucking me a soft robe, she abandons the open closet and moves back to her dresser. She yanks open a drawer full of underwear. Just like earlier, she pulls out pieces of clothing completely at random and throws them at me to be packed. Thongs, bras and various other lacy items fly in my direction.
"Wait, what's that?" I stop her suddenly.
"This?" She points to a plain red bra.
"No, the navy blue… thing."
"Oh, you mean this?" She holds up a sexy corset type of garment. Whatever it is, it looks hot as fuck. I've never seen her in it, but just picturing the lace stretched over her curves gets my imagination running wild.
I nod slowly.
"Suddenly we have time to be picky?" She smirks, holding the lingerie up against her body.
"Just hand it over."
"I don't know when you're expecting to wear it, but alright." She jokes and throws it to me, along with matching panties. “We’re sharing a house with your friends. Remember what it was like last time? We're barely going to get any time to ourselves." 
"Something tells me we won't be worrying too much about privacy this time." I say mysteriously, carefully folding the lingerie into her suitcase.
My new house is at least twice as big as the house we stayed in last time, with three floors plus a basement. 
“You gonna tell them to stay away from our bedroom or something?” She laughs.
“Something like that.” I mutter. It's killing me to keep this in any longer. If we miss this flight, I need to wait even longer before I can show her. 
“You’ve stopped moving. Why have you stopped moving?" 
She rolls her eyes, shuts the drawer and finally works on getting dressed, pulling on a black turtleneck and grey jeans as I zip up the yellow suitcase.
While I haul it to the door, she fills a backpack with things she could need on the plane: a comic, her PS Vita and headphones.
“Ready to say goodbye to this place for two weeks?” I ask, just before I shut the front door to the apartment.
"Oh shit, my camera!" She rushes back in and quickly re-emerges with a camera bag, which she tucks into the top of her backpack.
“Now I’m ready.” She grins excitedly.

"This is where we're staying?! Holy shit, it's huge." She cranes her neck to see the top of the sun-drenched white building. The driver takes the last bag out of the car, and I pay him before he drives away.
The guys took a flight late last night, so their rental car was already in the driveway when we pulled up.
"Yup, this is my new crib." I smile proudly.
She whirls around and gasps. "Wait, it's yours?" I nod. 
"I knew you were hiding something!" She shoves me lightly. "But oh my God, this is amazing."
"You haven't even seen the inside." I laugh, before I step up to the door and push it open. "After you." 
Without a single second wasted, she skips up the steps and happily enters the house.
Last time I was here, it had minimal furnishing, but with the help of a skilled interior designer, it’s been completely transformed in the past month.
The lengthy decorating process involved me describing what I wanted, her sending me pictures of what she thought I meant, and then finally settling on the closest match.
It was worth the effort. The house looks almost identical to how I imagined it.
“This is insane. When did you buy this place?”
“A few weeks ago.”
The look of bewilderment on her face is priceless, but I’m still waiting for her to realise that it’s the same house we described last time we were here together, down to the bright blue pool on the patio.
"I can't wait to take a dip in the pool." She gushes obliviously.
She probably doesn’t remember, I think disappointedly. It was a long time ago, after all. To 
“Ooh, nice piano!” She reaches for the keys and I hold out a warning hand.
“Don’t even think about it.” 
The smile fades off her face and she narrows her eyes at me suspiciously. “A piano no one can touch...? Fake indoor plants? A pool you can see through the all glass wall..? Why do I get the feeling that if I went downstairs, there’d be a cinema/games room in the basement?”
I smile. She remembers.
“You’d have to go find out, wouldn’t you?” I wink.
She backs away slowly and takes off in a jog down the stairs.
After a 30 second head start, I follow. Just as she predicted, the basement, my favourite room of the house, is kitted out with everything you'd need for a couple days huddled on the soft couch watching movies, catching up on shows and playing video games. 
I find her browsing the disc selection on the shelf.
“You even got my favourite games.” She whispers in disbelief as I approach.
“Of course I did.” 
"Why?" Her eyes bore into mine and for a moment, I can’t tell if she’s happy or not.
It seemed like such a great idea when I was doing it, but now I’m not sure. Maybe this is too creepy.
I start coming up with an excuse to explain it away. Maybe I had nothing to do with the décor and it’s just a wild coincidence that my house looks exactly like the dream house we described?
Before I can open my mouth and start babbling, she pounces. She rushes forward and wraps her arms around my neck so quickly, I almost lose my balance. As she pulls my face down to hers and kisses me, I recover from the surprise and smile against her lips.
Mid make-out, I reach down and give her ass a little squeeze. She pulls away briefly to laugh. It doesn’t look like she was expecting herself to attack me either. “I can’t believe you did this.” She shakes her head.
“So, do you like it..?” I ask hesitantly.
“It’s perfect.” She purrs, pushing me down onto the couch and resuming her assault.
“I couldn’t get the basketball court.” I admit. 
“I don’t care.” She answers, between breathless kisses on my neck. The darkened lighting in the cosy room sets the perfect mood for a quickie. Maybe there is yet another use for this den, I think, sliding my fingertips under her shirt and up her back.
“Woah! Jesus Christ, woman. Are you trying to kiss him, or eat him?”
At the sound of Hawk's voice, Jessie slides off my lap and pulls her top back down. But even my friend's interruption can't get the smile off both our faces. I’m not going to let myself be disappointed. We have two whole weeks of living together, there's going to be plenty of time for sex later.
“I was just gonna ask if you guys wanted to go get dinner with us, but if you're busy…”
“Dinner sounds great actually. I’m starving.” She answers nonchalantly, readjusting her ponytail.
“Yeah, I could tell.” He laughs. As soon as he disappears back up the stairs, she licks her lips and leans in for a final deep smooch.
"After dinner, you can show me the rest of the house." She whispers seductively. “I am just dying to see the bedroom.”

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