Chapter 35

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While I'm running the final stretch along the winding uphill lane that leads back to Abel's house, my music fades out as I get a call. Still jogging, I try to wrestle the phone out of my shorts. 
FaceTime from Daniel T? That's new. I slow down to a stop and answer. Daniel's cheerful grin fills the screen.
"Ooh, Danny. Did you finally get an iPhone?" I tease.
"Yup. Thought I'd get with the times. This is what all the cool kids have nowadays, right?" He winks.
People like to say I'm bad with technology, but Daniel is something else entirely. At least I've had a smartphone for a few years, even though I have no idea where it is a lot of the time. 
"Been running?" He guesses correctly.
"I thought my shiny face and messy hair were a dead giveaway." I reply, waving away the curls escaping from my ponytail. “So what’s up?”
I finally reach and walk up the driveway, retrieving the key to unlock the door while he catches me up on what he's been doing since our last chat. Mostly hanging out with his new work colleagues.
"Wow, so this is the house?" His eyes widen with awe when I get the door open.
"Yup. This is the dump we're staying at." I put on a disinterested snobbish voice, and he picks it up right away.
"My God, it's even more horrible than you described." He exclaims, in a fair imitation of a snooty English aristocrat.
"I know, right? It's awful." I flip the camera so he can see the rest of the beautiful interior as I stroll into the next room. "And here is the disaster they call a dining room."
"Ugh. It's unsightly. Do these people not have suitably trained maids?"
"That is precisely what I’ve been asking. And now we're entering the kitchen, where I'm going to get myself a cold drink from the repulsive fridge."
"Yuck." He smiles while I pour out some coconut water.
"You jealous?" I wink over my glass, returning to my normal voice.
"Absolutely. While you're over there enjoying the sunshine in your perfect house, I'm getting violated by snow on the daily." He complains. "This morning, I slipped and fell in a snow pile so deep, it didn't even hurt. It was just like falling onto a freezing cold, wet mattress." I laugh. I guess hatred for cold weather runs in our blood.
"I feel you, bro." I sympathise. “The only good thing about the cold is the ice skating.”
"Yes. We should definitely hit the rink when you get back.” He enthuses. After a quick glance at his watch, he frowns. “Listen JV, my lunch break is nearly over. I have to get back to work. But we'll talk later?"
"Sure." I nod, as I spot a familiar wild haired profile through the glass window.
"Say hi to Abel for me."
"Will do. Have a good day at work." I wave goodbye before we disconnect the call.

After I finish my drink, I slide open the door and step out onto the patio where Abel is reclining in the shade, his phone in one hand, a pack of cigarettes in the other. 
“You’re still here.” I remark, with some surprise. 
“Yes, I am.” He smiles. He offers me the pack after he pulls a cigarette out with his teeth. 
“No, thanks.” I realise, with pleasure, that I haven’t had one in weeks. 
I sit on the edge of the pool, yank off my running shoes and dip my feet in the cool water. 
“So what's your plan for the day?" I ask. I thought he’d be gone by the time I got back.
"Nothing, so far.” 
"Nothing? Seriously? Have you checked your magic plan-making machine?" I gesture towards his phone.
"Seriously. The Grammys are tomorrow and I got today off to 'rest up'." He stretches out happily, probably looking more relaxed than I’ve ever seen him. “I was thinking… order Chinese food and play Halo? Have we tried that combo yet?" 
I think for a moment. Last night it was Thai and GTA. The night before, pizza and Hitchcock. "Hmmm… no, I don’t think we have. It sounds awesome, but I was actually going to go to the aquarium today…" I start apologetically. 
“I wouldn’t mind going to see some fish.” He cuts in with a grin.


As promised, Gwen takes us behind the scenes at the aquarium. Her eyes light up as she shows us around where the fish are kept before they go out on the exhibition floor, the kitchen where their food is prepared, where they are trained and various other restricted areas most visitors don’t get to see.
She even lets us feed a few turtles, but when it comes to the sharks, I politely decline, while Abel happily agrees to serve lunch to a zebra shark, teasing me the entire time about chickening out.

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