Chapter 2

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The Girl

“And then what happened?!”

“Then I came inside, got changed and watched some Breaking Bad.” I reply with a sigh. It was Friday night and my friend Rose and I are getting ready to go out to a new club downtown. I’d already told this story twice. She keeps asking as if she is expecting an alternate ending, probably one where I am suddenly abducted by aliens and she takes my place.

“You’re telling me, you met Abel Tesfaye. THE WEEKND. And didn’t even ask for a fucking autograph, let alone a photo?!” Rose shrieks.

“That is exactly what I’m saying.” I put the finishing touches on my eyeliner. “What would I rather I did? Apologise for spilling his food and then get on my knees and give him a fucking blowjob in the hallway?”

“I would have!” she shouts, stomping her pink stilettos to emphasise her point.

I laugh. “Come on, Rosie. What would Joe say about that?” I see the guilt sneak onto her face. Even though she was a huge fan of The Weeknd, Rose is as much of a delicate flower as her name implies. She’d been with the same guy since high school and he was the only person she’d ever had sex with. And if she had her way, the only person she ever would have sex with. Although, I don’t personally believe in the whole monogamy thing, Rose and Joe seem make it work. She sits down and sips from a little bottle of white wine from the minibar.

“Can we just move past this now? Maybe sometime in the next 10 years, we could actually leave the suite and get to the club?” I can’t wait to go out. Dressing up all sexy, drinking myself numb and losing myself in the music is exactly what I feel like doing tonight.

“Yeah. Whatever. But know this: I won’t forget this anytime soon. And if it happens again…” She warns, trying to use her wine bottle as a threatening object, and failing.

“Yes, yes. I’ll be sure to pass along your number.” I wink at her and close the drawer in my dresser. “Ready to go?”


I dance for so long, I can’t feel my feet. Feeling like my buzz is wearing off, I shimmy away from the random sweaty guy grinding on me at the moment and make my way back towards the bar. I pass Rose on the way, dancing Gangnam-style to a heavy dubstep beat. One of the many reasons I adore the girl: she doesn’t give a fuck about following social conventions.

I reach the bar and order a vodka martini. While sipping, I look around the club and spot a group of drunk young girls dancing in a small group while some sleazy looking guys look on hungrily from a distance. Or at least, I hope they’re drunk. They’ve got moves that make Rose look like she’s Jennifer Lopez.

“Lemme buy you a drink.” I look over to my left and see the seat taken by none other than Mr Abel Tesfaye himself.


We’ve been chilling in the VIP section in the club for about an hour and a half when Lamar decides to make one of his dare-bets. “I bet that you can’t get the hottest chick in this club to come back to the VIP with you. And as usual, whoever loses the bet has to do a dare.” He smirked, happy with himself. He usually rigged the bet somehow so he won.

The VIP is jam packed with half-dressed women with dollar signs in their eyes, dancing with men pretending to be rich. In various places, transparent blue drapes float down, offering a false sense of privacy. The whole section was a balcony overlooking the main dance floor in the club so civilian partygoers could look up and see us having the time of our lives. It was all bullshit. But it was like home.

I take a swig of Henny. “And I suppose you’re the one who gets to choose the girl?”

“You damn straight, nigga. I can’t have you bringing a fucking 3 up in here when I’m obviously feeling for at least an 8 tonight. And besides, we all know I have better taste when it comes to the ladies.”

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