Chapter 14

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"One time, as a girl was about to cum, instead of Abel, she said 'Oh The Weeknd!'"

"For real?!" she laughs at my high-pitched imitation of the girl’s scream.

"Yeah. She was so gone though. She probably didn't even know my name." I chuckle.

"True. It is a very hard name to remember." She says sarcastically.

Chilling in the comfortable chairs on the patio just outside my bedroom, her curly hair blows lightly in the evening breeze as we share a joint on the last night of our trip. Her cappuccino toned skin has gotten darker since the last time I saw her. Working on set design and production for the tour’s kept me away from the house. I’m looking forward to our flight. Waiting in Toronto is a few hours alone. With no interruptions from people walking in at inopportune moments.

"I'm going to live here one day." she exhales, looking dreamily out at the ocean. "Not in this house specifically, but one really similar to it. Right on the beach or with a pool so I can go swimming whenever I want. Maybe the whole house would be made of glass so I could look out at the view from wherever I was. Oh, and with tall plants inside… fake, of course."

She stops suddenly and smiles sheepishly at me. Passing the joint back, she says "Weed makes me talk too much."

"Sounds perfect.” I put my lips where hers were moments ago and inhale. “I want a piano under the stairs. That no one is allowed to touch. Like in a real rich nigga home." 

"Of course. And some uncomfortable dining room chairs that everyone hates so they always eat on the couch." 

"Yes! And a movie theatre in the basement. No windows so it’s dark as fuck when you turn the lights off.”

"It needs a fireplace. Even though it's California and I’m sure it never gets cold enough that you need to light a fire. It's not a real house without a fireplace."

We come up with a list so long, I can picture the house in my head, down the scratchy hammock outside next to the blue pool.

After a while, I forget whose house we're describing. Mine or hers?

“Abel!” Cash throws open the door to the bedroom. “I’ve got great news!” He hesitates for a moment, looking at Jessie. “Am I interrupting something?”

And just like that, the moment is gone. We’re back in California with my friends in the next room, a plane to catch in 3 hours, and a tour to start in less than two weeks.

“No, tell me.” I say, stepping back into the house.
“Well…” He smiles broadly and gleefully rubs his hands together. “One of us is doing Jimmy Kimmel Live next month!”
My jaw drops. “You booked Kimmel?!”

“Live US National television, baby!” he shouts. "Who’s the best manager in Toronto?! Oh, that’s right. Me."

"Fuck yes!" I embrace him in a hug and turn to Jessie.

“You hear that?” She nods with a grin and holds out her arms for a hug. I squeeze her tight, enjoying the smell of the ocean in her hair.

This is some of the best news I’ve received in an already pretty fucking awesome year.

“I’m taking everyone out for dinner to celebrate when we get back to Toronto. 5* restaurant, baby!” He exits the room after warning us that we’re leaving for the airport in less than 30 minutes.

“I need to go pack. But when we get back home, we’ll celebrate for sure.” She murmurs provocatively before she follows him out.


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