Chapter 43

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Stopping only to briefly catch up with Jacob the doorman, I stroll though Abel's hotel lobby and turn the corner to get to the exclusive private elevator entrance. I slide the little key into the lock and twist. The doors sweep open for me with a ping. This will not get old anytime soon, I think as I step in and the elevator begins its ascent to the 28th floor.

Last time he invited me over, I used the key, but this time, I'm coming over unannounced. I joked about it before, but it's very possible that as he's not expecting me, he might be busy working, or not even be home.

When the elevator doors open onto his living room, Abel is lounging on the couch, playing FIFA. But he's not alone.

A little boy is leaning over the table in front of him, carefully colouring in the papers strewn across it. He looks up as I walk in, and startled by my arrival, he stops drawing and climbs onto the couch beside Abel.

"Well, well, well. Look who it is. Were you trying to catch me doing something?" After pausing his game, he stretches out his arms smugly. "You're too late. My other girlfriend just left."

"Looks like she forgot someone." I drop my bag on the floor and plonk myself down on the couch. "Hey there. What's your name?" I ask the boy.

"Jeremiah." He says shyly.

"That's so cool, I don't think I know anyone with that name. I'm Jessie."

"Hi." He smiles in response.

"So who's the kid?" I ask Abel.

"He's my son." He puts his arm around the boy's shoulders in what's supposed to be a fatherly gesture.

"No, I'm not!" Jeremiah protests. "You're my uncle!"

"Be quiet, Jerry. How are we gonna find you a new mommy when you keep scaring them away?"

"I don't want a new mommy!"

Abel shakes his head. "He's a terrible wingman. But we're working on it." 

I laugh, as he addresses him again.

"You still haven't answered my question by the way. For dinner, do you want me to make the noodles your mom brought or spaghetti with hot dogs like I made you last time?"

Jeremiah takes the decision seriously, his adorable face scrunching into a frown for a moment before he declares, "Spaghetti with hot dogs."

"Alright. Let me know when you're hungry, and I can—"

"Can I have it now?" The little boy interrupts, bouncing with enthusiasm.

"Now?" Abel raises his eyebrows.

Jeremiah nods.

"I'm hungry too." I chime in.

The longing is clear on his face as he takes a final look back at the paused game onscreen.

"Alright, spaghetti coming right up." He says decisively, heaving himself up and into the kitchen to prepare our meals.

As Jeremiah climbs off the couch in the cute way that only tiny people younger than five can, I notice that his black t-shirt has a very familiar yellow bat logo on it.

"Wait, do you like Batman?" I ask.

He nods quickly.

"Jeremiah. I have a feeling you and I are going to be best friends." I tell him.

While Abel cooks, Jeremiah and I use his crayons to recreate images from our imagination. The only thing that comes to mind is Abel's FIFA game, so I spend about 15 minutes colouring in my supposedly new and improved version of the Barcelona FC kit until he taps me on the shoulder to show me his drawing.

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