Chapter 1

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Your POV

The weather was good today with bright sunshine and birds chirping could be heard.

I was standing and looking at the things happening outside from my balcony.

The cars were moving on roads as usual and people continued their work as always.

Children played with each other screaming in excitement. Elders were exercising or either walking.

The only thing that changed , was about me. I had came to my sister's house to spend my Holiday's which I got from my police investigation department.

I am a police officer or you can say more than that. It was my dream from the start to become a police officer and after all the hard work I finally became.

I didn't do my work as a job instead with passion. Since my childhood I was easily fascinated and loved crime genres weather it was a movie or a book.

My friends as always used to tease me saying I had interest like boys. But I never minded them.

True that I loved things like boys , like playing football or watching fighting movies instead of fairy tales in which the lady character day dreamed about the 'Man of their dreams'

I never liked the girls crying over silly things and spending their money on useless shopping.

I was bold and strong and liked myself that way only. When I told my parents that I wanted to become police officer , they were surpised.

They thought I would say 'Doctor' or 'Professor' or some other thing. They tried many times to change my interest and told me to do a safe job.

I understand them , being a girl's parents you get worried and want your daughter to do a safe job and live a safe life.

But I convinced them a lot and never gave up and since I was attracted to all these investigation shows and guns and fights and I was bold , they agreed.

I am working from past 9 years and still love doing it. Though I am in the age now to get married but I will give myself to country first and think about this marriage later on.

Leaving these thoughts aside I took a deep breath and made my way to take bath and get ready.


After taking bath I got ready wearing black track pants and white T-shirt along with my sneakers.

I looked at myself and realised why my friends teased me about my liking but again not minding it a bit I went down stairs to eat breakfast.

"Hii good morning , Unnie."

"Hii dear good morning , slept well?"

"Yes I did...and you?"

"Yes I did too. Come let's have breakfast first."

I smiled and sat down turning my plate upside down and placed it with a freshly prepared butter toast along with carrot juice.

I ate the food while watching news on TV about the daily things happening in the country and world.

"Y/n once you are done let me know. Then we will go okay?"

"Okay....sure , Unnie." I said and resumed eating my breakfast.

My sister has her own small bakery and I also help her by attending the customers or by baking something.

I have my holidays for 6 months and I am free. So I love to spend time with my sister.

She also has a small baby girl who is currently living with one of the relatives giving me and my sister a good time to spend with each other.

I ate my breakfast and kept the dishes back in the sink and kept my phone in my pocket and announced my sister saying I am ready to go and went to the main door.

While my sister was coming I scrolled through my phone reading some news headline and messages.

Seeing her come outside and lock the door , I kept my phone inside my pocket and began walking with her towards her bakery.

While walking I saw the kids playing around and people opening up their shops.

We reached the bakery and my sister unlocked the door and we both went inside.

Me and my sister wore apron and I placed all the chairs and table in their proper order.

Meanwhile my sister went to the kitchen and began taking out the pastries and some other desserts for the display.

I , after arranging the tables and chairs went to the counter taking a chalk and began writing TODAY'S SPECIAL.

Soon everything was arranged and customers also started to come , so you both started the work.


Taehyung POV

"You know what I really enjoyed the party yesterday but my head is hurting so bad."

"Yes bro same.... I enjoyed too. But my head is hammering too." I answered to Jimin , my best friend.

Me and him , we both had gone to a party together and enjoyed a lot. Due to consumption of alcohol we both had to stay back with our friend at his house.

We all had a very bad headache after that and we all three had hangover soups and medicine but still I needed some solid thing to cure my headache.

Hands in my pocket , we were now both waking the streets going back to our home.

This place was indeed beautiful which I realised while walking with Jimin. I live at some other state of this country and coming here for some time was indeed a good idea.

I rose my left hand and pushed the cloth with my other hand and saw the time on my watch.

It was 11:00 AM and I was getting a bit hungry. I turned around and asked Jimin if we could stop somewhere and eat something.

He agreed and we resumed our walking and soon saw a small bakery which displayed TODAY'S SPECIAL on the board outside their entrance.

There were also pastries and some sandwiches displayed which resulted grumbling voices from my stomach.

Chuckling embarrassingly because of my stomach's voice we both entered the bakery with a ding sound.

We both came here for the first time and it was decorated very beautifully. It had flowers , paintings and bright sunshine entering with a good environment.


💜💜 Thank you for giving your precious time and reading this book. I hope you all will like this book. 💜💜

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