Chapter 38

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Slightly Mature

The moment my boss went outside I went to Taehyung. "Taehyung listen you need to take this injection it's really for your good."

"But why do I need this now , your boss has gone outside just throw it somewhere and say that you injected me." He said.

"I know but still I care for you and I promise that it will not effect you." I said confidently and he agreed and then I injected him.

"Did you eat breakfast Taehyung?"

"Yes I did and you?"

"I did too." I said and smiled. "Listen now I need to tie your hands and check your BP , self control and other things." I said and he seemed confused.

"Tie my hands?" He asked me. "Yes your hands will be tied only then I can check your self control right." I said and he hummed and agreed with me.

"Y/n is everything alright?" I heard my boss say from outside. "Yes sir I just need the machine for checking him and the handcuffs to tie him."

He hummed and then opened the door and handed me the things I asked for and then closed the door.

"Ok so Taehyung I am tying you." I said and sat on the bed where he was sitting and tied his hands and made him sit with his back resting on the wall behind him.

I placed the machine on the bed and calculated his hormones , BP , temperature and other things.

"Ok so now Taehyung comes the self control part. I will see how much self control you have.

Just try to not use your hands and try to stabilise your breathing okay?" I said and he hummed at me.

I switched on the machine and sat in front of him looking him in the eye. "Just look at me." I said and then licked my lips seductively.

He seemed normal when I did that. Then I bit my lips , opened my hairs and winked at him.

I looked at the machine and saw his Testosterone , hormone just slightly going up.

I then opened few upper buttons of my shirt I was wearing which showed my collarbone and lacy strap of my bra.

He seemed to stiff a bit. "What are you doing y/n?" He said but I just ignored him and spoke. "Shhh self control Taehyung." I said teasingly and he let out a breath too and bit his lip.

I moved a bit forward and sat on his lap kissing him on his jaw , his cheeks and then trailed my kisses to his neck kissing him just below his ear sucking his sensitive spot.

"Ahh y/n" He said and I saw the hormone again reaching a bit but just below his average self control number.

"Taehyung you need to control yourself." I said and he hummed and tried to be normal but I was not gonna let him be and finally kissed him on the lips.

I wrapped my hands around his neck and deepened the kiss while sucking and biting his lips in between.

I opened the buttons of his shirt and roamed my hands all over his chest and stomach while kissing him and I checked the machine and saw that the number had increased above it's average and was just touching it's highest peek.

"Taehyung number has increased." I said between kissing his chest. "Aahh bloody machine." He said and held my neck with his one hand and the other held my waist and kissed me hard.

I know that he couldn't control himself because I was not able to control myself too.

We kept on kissing each other and he kissed me on my neck and my collarbone which was slightly exposed.

He brought his hand inside my shirt from the back side and roamed his hand all around reaching my bra and stopped there.

I pulled back from the kiss seeing him stop. "You can Taehyung." I said and kissed him as he then unhooked my bra and removed the straps and then pulled out the bra and kept it inside his pocket.

"This is for me you don't need it anymore." He said and touched me making me moan and I pulled his hairs with pleasure and just then I heard my boss speak.

"Y/n is it done?" He asked and I pulled back quickly adjusting my clothes and said. "Yes sir almost done." And entered any random number that could show his temperature stable. "You can come sir." I said and he came inside and looked the machine.

"Seems good...okay I'll show this to the doctor." He said and I 'okay' him and then he went.

I went to Taehyung and kissed his cheek and whispered in his ear. "I enjoyed a lot" and then handed him a small Bluetooth earphone. "Here...wear it okay I will talk to you from this. And one more thing that I will come here to you in midnight and then we will escape from here okay?"

He seemed surprised. "How will you do it?" He asked me. "Don't worry about that just be ready at midnight don't sleep." I said and he nodded and pecked my lips and then I went back.


After coming back from Taehyung's cell I went inside my cabin and took out my badges , medals and even my ID and placed it on my table.

I am listening to my heart this time and doing what I feel is right. I will escape from here with Taehyung in midnight.

And that is why I removed and kept all my medals and everything here so that I can freely live with Taehyung without feeling guilty or bad that I stabbed my country.

I am sacrificing my job , my certificates , medals and all badge of honours I got for Taehyung and our love.

Time Skip

I ate very light food for my dinner just a piece of bread and then I remain sitting in my cabin till it was midnight.

I switched on my earphone and began speaking. "Taehyung can you here me it's me Y/n?"

I heard him say after some seconds. "Yes I am able to here you what's going on?"

"Nothing fun I'm waiting for a bit more because that time my boss usually leaves from here."

"Oh okay...had dinner?"

"Hmm just a piece of bread and you?" I asked him too.

"Same" He said and I hummed.

"Okay then Taehyung I'll come to you after half an hour."

"Okay sure....will be waiting." He said and then I cut the call and waited for the half an hour to pass.

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