Chapter 15

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It was the next day and your sister had earlier left to open the bakery and now you were walking to go to your bakery.

As you were just few shops away from your shop. You noticed Jason looking at you. You didn't waved at him and straight away continued your walk.

While walking you got a call , you stopped in your tracks and saw it was Taehyung calling you.

You smiled and accepted his call. "Hi taehyung good morning." I said.

"Hi good morning y/n. And I wanted to know if you have some red velvet cupcakes and some salted caramel cupcakes too?" He said as I began walking again.

"Oh ya I have both of them. Do you need for yourself though?" I asked him as I entered the bakery.

"No actually it's for my friend Jungkook." He answered and you hummed.

"Ok then I will come soon." He said and I 'okay' him and then cut the call to start my work.

It was still early , so there were only three customers. You wore your apron and went inside the kitchen to bring the display desserts.

After keeping the desserts , you began walking to the counter and saw Jason coming to you.

He called your name but you didn't payed attention and continued your work.

"Y/n please listen to me. Why are you ignoring me?" He said. I stared at his face for a few seconds and began working on the monitor in front of me.

He called me again , but I didn't answer him. So he began tapping his hands on the counter to get my attention.

Still not getting my answer he harshly threw the small vase which was kept on the counter at the floor.

"What the hell." I said loudly to which all the customers began looking at me. I came and stood face to face with Jason. "What the heck Jason , and how dare you just threw the vase?

It's not yours nor did you paid for it so how the hell you did this huh? Answer me." I screamed at him to which my sister came from the kitchen to me.

"Y/n what happe- OMG my god who did this?" She said and I looked at Jason with anger and my sister understood.

She quickly sat down and began cleaning the mess Jason created , but I stopped her. "Why are you doing it unnie? You didn't do it right , Jason he will clean the mess he made." I said to him with anger in my voice.

He huffed at me and I swear my blood began boiling. I held his collar and screamed at him. "Hey you Jason , you better behave with me you understand?" My sister held my arms and tried to stop me but I didn't listen to her.

Taehyung POV

After my call with y/n I was now going to the bakery to get some red velvet cupcakes and salted caramel cupcakes for my friend.

As I opened the door , I was surprised to see what was happening. I saw y/n holding Jason's collar while screaming at him.

"I am not like any other girl who accepts this bloody shit of yours. You better know how to behave with ladies you understand.

And if you don't know how to...don't worry I am here to make you know it." She said to him. I was smiling like an idiot as I knew Jason liked y/n , but how she behaved with him made me feel really really good.

But before anything could happen I quickly went between them. "Hey hey what happened. Y/n stop." I said while holding her hands and removed it from his collar.

She let out a breath and looked around the shop to make the customers comfortable and to resume what they were doing.

I faced Jason. "Hey you moron what are you doing huh. Don't you know how to behave with a lady. And what did you do huh. I know you made this mess." I said.

"Oh really how do you know when you came just now." He accused me. "It's strange actually that you are y/n's childhood friend , because if you were ,  you would have known that this vase is really important for her.

She once told me that this vase was gifted by her best friend who is no longer in this world now." I answered and looked at y/n smiling at me and nodding.

"Whatever" He said and went out of the shop without saying sorry to y/n and without cleaning the mess he made.

I faced y/n and saw her and her sister cleaning the area and I bent down to help them too.

"Hey be careful don't hurt yourself." I said while picking up some pieces of glass when suddenly one piece hurt me and my finger started to bleed.

"OMG Taehyung it's bleeding , uff you need to be careful." She said while holding my hand.

"We need to stop the bleeding before it gets worse." She said and suddenly put my finger inside her mouth and began sucking it.

I swear that her sucking made my insides twitch and made my mind drift to dirty thoughts.

I kept on looking at her lips , the way her lips were wrapped around my finger made me feel the things that I shouldn't.

"Come with me." She said and then we both stood and she made me walk with her to the kitchen.

She made me stand with her and placed my finger under the tap , to cleanse my finger. "Wait here ok I'll bring the medicine box." She said and turned around to open a cabinet and began taking out the medicine box.

My finger was still under the water and I turned a bit to face her , as she was still trying to take out the box. Before she could turn around , suddenly the box fell down on the floor and all the things inside it was now scattered around.

"Oops I am sec I'll pick it." She said and crouched down by her heels and her ass was in my view , and I could see her pink lacy panty.

"Done" She said and now stood facing me. She kept the box on the slab and took out a cream and a bandaid.

She took my hand and dried my finger with a tissue , and then applied a bit of  cream on my finger and then finished it by wrapping a bandaid over the wound.

"Thank you so much." I said and she smiled at me. "Welcome and I am the one that should say thank you that you helped me Instead of Jason." She said.

"Now be careful of your finger and don't let your bandaid be wet okay?" She said and I nodded with a smile.

"So tell me what do you want to eat today?" She asked me , while putting the medicine box back inside the cabin , again showing me her lacy panty as her top had lifted a bit , as she stretched her hands to keep it.

"Um I don't know what to. But I can go with a hot dog." I said and she nodded. "Ok come , I'll bring it to you along with red velvet cupcakes and salted caramel cupcakes too."

I hummed and then we both went outside , and I sat at one of the table as she went to bring hot dog for me.

Soon she came at my table."Here you go enjoy." She said , while giving me my hot dog with a smile.

"Thank you." I said and she smiled and then , she began working to start her day at the bakery with her sister , while I sat and enjoyed the hot dog , watching her in between.

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