Chapter 34

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I knew why the sound is coming. My boss had already tracked Taehyung's phone and are here now.

I was still sitting on the bed and Taehyung locked the door even more securely and opened his laptop to check the security cameras.

I stood and stand beside him looking at the cameras too. In one of the cameras I could see my boss with many other people too.

Taehyung turned to me giving me a scary glare. "How come they knew we are here you told them right?" He asked sternly.

I didn't say anything and he stood up towering over me. "Answer me" He said. "N-no I didn't Tae..." I was saying but he cut me off.

"SHUT UP" He said loudly holding my arm tightly giving me pain. "Taehyung leave my hand." I said.

"YOU DID WRONG Y/N....YOU LIED TO ME AND I KNOW YOU ARE THE ONE WHO TOLD THEM WHERE WE ARE." He said so loudly that it actually made me afraid of him.

He yanked my arm and opened a suitcase taking out a bullet proof jacket and then he made me go with him outside of his room.

I never saw his side like this. He was literally draging we with him roughly and it was actually paining me.

I could easily punch him now but I will not because I have to take each step carefully.

The loud sound of footsteps could be heard inside the house we were. Taehyung stopped while walking and brought us both at the corner of the Hall keeping his hand on my mouth so that I could be quiet.

Some sound of people talking could be heard and Taehyung pushed me further into the corner where there was a small closet.

He made us both enter it and locked it from the inside. He kept his both hand beside my head. His face was close to mine and our chest were touching making my breath irregular.

"Not a sound" He said whispering and I nodded. I could feel him snake his hands around my waist. "Taehyung not now" I said.

He gave me an irritated glare and said. "Shut up I'm not this horny." And then I felt like I am falling behind.

But gladly he held my back not letting me fall and I turned around and saw stairs going down.

I could not believe that here was a secret way inside the closest. He held my hands and made me go with him.

'Shit if my boss could not find him today then never and moreover I would be stuck with him forever' I thought.

We both reached a small tunnel after coming down the stairs and went inside it and it led us to an open area.

Without wasting any more time he began running with me. I tried to slow him down so that my department could arrest him but he was fast.

"Taehyung stop I cannot run more." I said as an excuse but he ignored me and kept on running.

After sometime he stopped too as he was tired and we both took deep breaths and just then I saw my department and they were shooting in the air to make Taehyung aware of them.

Taehyung without knowing anything pulled me to him and kept gun on my head. "Not a step or she'll die." He said and I was so shocked.

My department didn't stop. "Listen Taehyung you are surrounded by police from all directions and now it's better for you to surrender." They said but instead Taehyung pulled the triger of the gun making me nervous.

I was not believing that he is the same Taehyung that once I knew and moreover he says me that he loves me and now when it's about his life he is ready to kill me.

I was really angry on Taehyung. "Taehyung I can't believe it you say you love me but now what huh?" I mocked him.

"Just shut your mouth. And you all drop the guns down or else." He said holding my arms tight making me yelp in pain. My department stopped coming and kept the guns down.

"Ok Taehyung we kept our guns down now leave her." My boss said and Taehyung lessened his grip on me and was about to leave me just when a person from my department came behind him and hit him on his head making him unconscious for some time.

I went to my boss as my other department people held Taehyung and made him wear the handcuffs.

He was still unconscious and a little later a helicopter landed and we all sat inside it leaving Hawaii and going back to Korea.


I was in my police department bureau and called my sister and told her that I am fine and that I am still on my Mission.

There was a knock on the door on my cabin. "Come in" I said and saw my boss coming in.

I stood and wished him and he wished too and sat in the seat in front of mine. "Good y/n you did a great job." He said and I smiled and thanked him.

"Well sir I am glad that you all had came on time." I said and be laughed a bit and nodded.

After some seconds he again spoke. "We tried calling you so many times all most a month. We even tried to get your location but couldn't."

I was shocked hearing what he said. I was with Taehyung for a whole month. "But now we know where you were." He added with a sad smile.

I smiled a bit too and said. "Whatever happened we can't really help it. But I am glad we could arrest him....we wanted to do that since so long."

He hummed and said. "Well you should take rest and I'll also go and Interoggate Taehyung. I need to ask him certain questions."

"Sir wait...I mean I don't want to take rest and if you don't mind can I ask questions to him instead." I said standing up as he had too.

"Well if you are fine..." He said and I added more. "Sir he kept me with him for a month and I need to know why. I also need some answers."

"Yes you are right....okay then." He said and patted my shoulder. "After an hour you can ask him questions." He said and I 'okay' him and he left my cabin.

I can't believe what I did. Me , who loves Taehyung arrested him , lied to him. But I am glad that I didn't let myself be weak in front of LOVE instead did right for my country.

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