Chapter 13

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Your POV

It bad been atleast three - four days straight when I saw Jason coming to my bakery daily.

It's not that I didn't liked it , I did. But he came here not only to drink or have something but to talk to me.

Whenever he came , he used to always come around 9:45 AM to 10:30 AM when we had good amount of customers.

I agreed sitting with him and talking with him , despite the customers. I didn't ever asked him to pay me also nor he ever felt to give me , and I honestly didn't expected him to give me also.

He was like this from the start , possessive over his things and used to never share anything with anyone being alone his friends.

Today was again one of those days as I was working by arranging my counter's cabinet , when I heard a voice calling my name.

I already knew that he could be none other than Jason. "Jason I know it's you." I said without turning around.

"Oh wow , so it's confirmed that we have a connection right." He said to which I turned around to him in surprise and crossed my hands under my chest.

"Ok so what would you like to have?" I asked not paying attention to his earlier
Question."You" He said leaning over my counter.

"What are you...Are you out of your mind?" I said in Annoyance. "Relax I was kidding with you. I would like to have a creme cheeze sandwich with a cup of coffee." He said.

"Okay that would be $... " I was saying but he cut me off. "Oh come on will you not give me for free. I'm your friend." He said and smirked.

"Ok then don't pay. You go and sit I'll bring you your order soon." I said turning around to prepare his order. He nodded and went and sat at one of the table.

When his order was ready I went to him and kept his order on the table and then turned around to go back when he held my arms and stopped me.

"Will you not sit with me." He asked me. I was now really irritated with his behavior. He just didn't understand and on daily basis called me to sit with him and customers were always so many at that time.

I Fred my hands from his grip in annoyance and spoke with a loud voice. "Jason stop it , can't you see or understand I have work. There are so many people right now. I just can't ignore them and daily sit with you.

I understand you and that is why I sat with you for four days straight thinking you will understand but you don't.

I just can't sit with you and talk all the day , I have work to do. And maybe you also , so please let me work." I said and released a big breath and turned around to go back when I noticed Taehyung standing in front of me.

"What happened y/n , are you alright?" He asked me and I released my breath and told him everything.

He listened to me very attentively without interrupting me in between but Jason kept on , so Taehyung used to always silence him so that I could speak.

"Oh I see." He said and and looked at Jason saying. "Jason I don't mean to hurt you but y/n is right.

She has so many customers at that time so you should understand. And she had been with you for four days straight. It's very good thing about her." He explained to Jason meanwhile I crossed my arms under my chest and looked at both of them.

Jason kept looking at Taehyung with a bit rage but didn't say anything. "Y/n don't worry I'll help you." Taehyung said to me.

"Oh no Taehyung no need really. You had already helped me when my sister was not well. It's really fine." I said but he shaked his head in no and began walking towards the counter.

I smiled at him and began walking when Jason began speaking. "I am sorry for my behavior. I should have understood your work load. This will not happen again."

I turned to him. "It's ok Jason just be careful next time. And I'm sorry too that I just screamed at you too." I said feeling bad.

"It's ok , if I had been in your place I would have did the same." He said and I smiled at him. "Ok thanks and now eat quickly before it's gets cool." I said pointing at his order. And went to the counter.

I reached to Taehyung and saw him cleaning my counter. "Taehyung thank you so much." He turned around and smiled at me. "No need to thank me y/n. But don't mind me but I think Jason is a bit aggressive."

I hummed."yes he is like that but can't help. Well tell me what would you like to have?"

He just smiled at me. "Nothing I just want to help you and then I'll decide what to have." "Ok as you say." I said and began working too.

Time skip

Your POV

It was soon gonna be lunch time and Jason had left some time ago. My sister had also left early as she had to pick Kangsu from her kindergarten. I turned around Taehyung. "Hey come let's eat something. It's almost lunch time." He nodded and removed his apron and so did me.

"I'll have some cream and cheese sandwich too." He said and I nodded and brought for him and one for me also and then we both sat at the table and ate it.

After we both ate and were about to stand he kept the money on the table and stood up but I held his palm to stop him and I swear I felt some electric current pass through me.

He turned around and saw me standing too. "Taehyung no need to pay. You always help me so much and even today you helped me when it was not needed." I said.

"Y/n no , it should be like this only. I'm your friend and it doesn't mean I want your loss." He said with a smile.

"No please , even Jason is my friend that too childhood friend. But he never payed me." I explained to him.

"We both are different y/n." He said to which I took a deep breath and looked down at the floor.

Seeing me like that he smiled at me. "Ok but only for once. Not always okay?" He said , to which I smiled and nodded.

I left his hands so that he could now go. And so I decided that I and him will leave the bakery together.

As I turned and picked up the dishes I saw Jason entering the bakery with poker face.

I kept the dishes in the kitchen and came out. "Yes Jason you need something?" He didn't answer instead kept on looking at Taehyung and me.

"Wow Y/n you have time for Taehyung to eat with but not with me?" He said in a mocking tone.

"Jason what happened to you huh , Look around first. There is hardly anybody now. It's lunch time and he helped me too. That is why I sat and ate with him.

And if I sat with him then why are you so angry. He is my friend and I can eat with him." I said.

"Leave it y/n. He is not your father or boss that you need to tell him the reason for everything you do." Taehyung said me.

"Yes you are right. Jason please leave now. I am not in the mood to argue. And Taehyung I'll bring my bag and then we will go together." I said and went inside to bring my bag.

Taehyung POV

As y/n went inside to bring her bag , Jason came to me. "Hey , you be away from her. She is mine understand. Don't come between us."

"Says who?" I said mockingly and chuckled to which he got irritated and before he could say anything y/n came out.

"Come Taehyung let's go." She said and made her way outside of the bakery. Jason also went out and then I did too.

She locked the Bakery and began moving ahead. Meanwhile I looked at Jason. "You stay away from her because she doesn't like you." I said and ran a bit to match
y/n's steps.

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