Chapter 14

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Your POV

I was really disappointed by Jason. He never did anything like that before. Yes he was possesive over his things. But I was not his property that he would behave like this.

I let out a deep breath and then I noticed Taehyung joining me and began walking.

"Hey are you alright?" Taehyung asked me as we both walked.

"No Taehyung I am not. I don't know why he is behaving like that. I am so sorry that you have to hear all the bad things Jason said" I said looking down.

He stopped in his movements which resulted me to stop too. He kept his hands on my shoulder and turned me around to face him and bent a bit to come to my height and said.

"It's ok , I don't mind. You don't worry about anything okay?"

I looked at him and smiled feeling better that he is here with me to help me feel better.

"Come now don't think about that. I'll walk with you and drop you your home."
He said patting my shoulder to brighten me.

I smiled and nodded and we both began walking towards my house. While walking I secretly watched him. He kept his both hands inside his pocket and was walking looking extremely hot.

Once we reached my house I turned around to face him. "Um Taehyung , thank you once again. You always help me and make me feel better." I said with a smile while looking at him.

He smiled and said. "You don't need to thank me. You are special to me. Don't worry I will always help and protect you."

My heart started to feel warm from his words. He is really a sweet guy I met and I want us to me more together.

"Taehyung I - I don't know I s-should do this or not but." I said and took a step closer to him and took a deep breath and brought my hands closer to his arms.

I held his arms and brought to my waist and then wrapped my hands around his neck hugging him and said in his ear.

"You are the best person I have met. Thanks for everything." He tightly wrapped his hands around my waist and hugged me back.

Taehyung POV

I was feeling really nice in her arms. I am really happy because she herself hugged me.

We remained like that for a few seconds and then she pulled back and gave a shy smile to me to which I gave too.

"Ok Taehyung I'll go now and you also go home safely. Today I won't be able to open the bakery due to some reason. So I'll meet you tomorrow then." She said and I nodded.

She slowly went inside her house and while closing the door , smiled at me. I also gave a small smile again to her and finally turned around to go.

I also reached my teammate and mine's secret apartment to know if I have some other work to do or not.

The apartment had everything we needed. Like hacking devices , guns , rifle , laptop etc.

We both sat on the couch and he told me what I had to do as my father had already told him to tell me.

After knowing the information , I stood and kept two guns with me along with a knife in my pocket.

We both sat in my teammate's car and reached the area to start our work. My teammate had already with our other people , kidnapped the person to whom we were going now.

Once we reached , I quickly went inside the abandoned apartment while my teammate stood outside to check , and if anything happens he could let me know.

I saw lee Jung , the person sitting on the chair with ropes tied around his hands and legs , while his mouth was covered with a cloth. His eyes were closed as his face hung down at the floor.

I began walking towards him and the sound of my shoes could be heard. He looked up at me as I came close to him.

"So you were the one who tried to expose us huh?" I said while harshly removing the cloth from his mouth.

He didn't say anything and kept on looking at me. "So you won't answer me huh? Don't you know what happens when you don't answer me? I think I have to make you know it then." I said and harshly grabbed his jaw in my hands.

I held him so hard that he began giving out sounds of pain. "Will you answer me now?" I asked him but again he didn't reply so I yanked his jaw and stood up straight facing him.

"You are really stubborn man. And I absolutely hate those kind of people." I said and took a chair and table Nearby and placed in front of him and sat on it.

He was looking at me as I took out a gun and a knife and kept in on the table in front of him.

"Which one do you prefer. Slow death or a fast one?" I said looking at his terrified face.

"Please don't do this to me. What I have done please leave me." He begged me.

"What have you done?" I mocked him. "You tried to expose us and say what have I done. On top of that you didn't answer me so why will I leave you now."

He didn't say anything and looked down at the floor. "Please let me go I swear I will not tell anything to anyone." He pleaded again.

"Aww , but it's too late now. And you still didn't answer me. Slow death or fast?

Oh wait let me decide only as it's for my entertainment." I said and he gulped down hard on his saliva while crying.

I took gun in my hands "umm this is good but it will give you a quick death and I want to see you in no." And kept the gun inside my pocket.

He looked terrified now more than before. "Please please leave me sir." He said while crying bitterly but I ignored him and picked out the knife.

"This is absolutely perfect." I said and pushed the table and chair away and went behind him and from it's tip I placed it on his neck.


Violence ahead

"Good bye Lee Jung." I said and scratched the knife hard on his neck's side. Blood was flowing and he cried in pain.

"Oh wow great." I said and kicked his chair as he fell down on his face. I bend and again scratched the knife on his back and blood was flowing from it.

I threw the knife on the floor and made him sit as he cried in pain. I took out my gun and shot him in his stomach as his blood pooled out and then shot him in his chest.

"This happens when you don't answer me and remain stubborn." I said while blowing on my gun from where the gun was shot and kept it inside my pocket.

I then opened the door and came out and told my teammate to handle him and to throw his body somewhere without anyone finding.

He nodded and went inside while I was in the car waiting for him. Soon he came and threw the person's body on the seat behind and started the engine.

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