Chapter 16

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Taehyung POV

After eating hot dog and taking red velvet and salted caramel cupcakes I went to Jungkook to give them.

After giving him when I was coming back home , I was really angry thinking about Jason.

I was irritated by the way he behaved with y/n and her sister. Yes , I don't want him to come between me and y/n , but he should atleast know how to behave properly with girls.

I went back home and decided that I would eat lunch and then go for a walk. So I quickly ordered some bibimbap for my lunch and then ate it.

Time skip

After lunch I watched TV for half an hour and then stood to go to a nearby park for a walk.

I locked my door and kept the keys in my pocket and began walking to the nearby park to have a walk.

It was 3:00 PM and still the weather was pleasant , not too hot nor cold. I took out my phone and plugged it with the earphones , while listening some songs.

I was having a great walk while listening to songs , when I noticed a girl sitting on one of the bench crying with a guy which I realised was Jason.

Her back was facing me so I could not see her face , but I was sure that she was crying.

I decided to console her though she was a stranger to me and I did not wanted to see Jason but still I kept my phone with earphones inside my pocket and stood in front of her. "Excuse me" I said gently as her head was down.

She was still crying but then looked up at me and I was shocked to see that it was none other than y/n.

"Y/n what Happened why are you crying. Did something happen?" I asked the moment I saw her crying and bend forward to be in the same height as her.

"Taehyung y-you...actually I-I." She said but then broke down in tears while keeping her both hands on her face looking down.

I saw Jason looking at me. "Hey what is your problem huh. Why you always come between me and y/n." He said.

I released a big breath at his idiotic behavior and looked at y/n and said."Y/n" keeping my both hands on her shoulder.

"Relax....I don't know what happened but don't worry about anything." I said as she removed her hands from her face looking at me.

"Hey don't touch her." Jason said standing up while holding my collar to which y/n stood up too coming in between to stop us.

"Hey Jason you stop. Leave Taehyung." She said now pulling Jason from me. Jason left my collar but then raised his hands to slap y/n but I stopped him before he could do.

"Hey you Jason are you bloody psycho. Don't you understand how to behave with girls. How dare you raised hands on her. Who gave you the right?" I said now holding his collar and then pushed him down to the floor.

"You are stupid and you are the one who came between me and y/n. I like y/n and you always come to her and manipulate her." He said while straightening his clothes.

I could see y/n looking at Jason with shock. "Jason shut up I don't like you. And he doesn't manipulate me.

And how did you even thought I like you especially when you misbehaved with me and my sister." She said with anger.

"Just leave me alone Jason. Just leave from here I don't want to see you." She said to which Jason tried to convince her but seeing y/n not agreeing , he soon left.

She still cried so I sat beside her and kept my left hand on her right shoulder tilting her to face me and kept my right hand under her chin to look up at me.

And I could feel her stiffening up a bit the moment I held her chin but she didn't oppose me.

While I held her right shoulder , I moved my right hand from her chin towards her cheek slightly rubbing it with my thumb.

"You can tell me if you want to. I will not judge you , I will always be for you." I said with a smile.

She smiled at me as I then used my both hands to wipe her tears to which she giggled. "Hey I can do that." She said while laughing and crying.

She stopped crying and we both sat quietly for some minutes when she looked at me. "Taehyung I am so sorry for breaking in tears. I am not like this generally , I don't know myself what happened to me."

I looked at her with a smile. "It's totally fine y/n. We all are humans and have emotions. We can be strong in front of others or even with ourselves. But sometimes it's really fine to break down and become vulnerable."

She seemed to understand my words and smiled at me. "Wow you speak so good Taehyung. I actually felt nice after crying." To which I nodded showing my boxy smile.

"You know since Jason came everything is messed up. We are childhood friends but now it doesn't look like.

I don't like anyone saying bad to anyone I am close with. And the moment he came , he began fighting and behaving weirdly.

We met after so long so I even spent four days straight with him despite lot's of customers. But what he said...that I don't have time for him but for you.

But then he asked me for an apology and I forgave him also , but today. Again he messed up , and that too he threw the vase in anger because I ignored and didn't payed attention to him.

He never pays me also but you do Taehyung , He never helps me but you do. I am so happy that you are with me.

But now I am tired...I'm really tired of all this. From the start I always focused on my courier ignoring my love life. But now I want love in my life." She said as her tears again came.

"But now...when I want to experience all of this , my life is playing with me. It's always giving me negativity when I am in need of Positivity.

I don't know why I am disclosing about my love life to you. But it's just I find you trustworthy to share this with you."

"Hey hey it means you did not have a boyfriend this all time?" I said suddenly interrupting her when my brain started working.

"Yes I didn't had any." She answered me suddenly feeling shy. "Ya so this is all I had to share with you about me." She said laughing lightly.

"Y/n don't you feel to just run away from everything and just live freely." I asked looking at her.

"Yes I do Taehyung." She said. "So how about taking a break for sometime forgetting about the world and go out with me today." I said wiggling my eyebrows at her.

She looked at me with a teasing smile. "Oh so is it indirectly asking me to date you huh?" To which I laughed.

"That's upto you if you find it indirect but for you I'll say directly." I said and then continued.

"Ahem ahem so I Kim Taehyung asks Ms. Y/n that would you like to go with me on a date." I asked to which she chuckled and nodded. "Yes I would love to." She said and I smiled at her.

"Ok great then be ready at 5:00 PM tomorrow. We will go on a date." I said and she 'okayed' me.

She stood and said "Thank you Taehyung and now I think you should go back home. I'll also go and do something for my headache." She said.

"Yes right and if you want I can drop you home." I said but she shook her head as a no. "It's fine Taehyung I will go myself. You can go home." She said with a smile and I nodded.

She turned around and waved at me and began walking. I waved her too and then began walking with a smile.

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