Chapter 19

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Next Day

Taehyung POV

I was really happy and I kept on recalling yesterday and because of that I kept on zooning out.

I was glad that y/n liked the art gallery and even the Italian restaurant. And how can I forget how beautiful she was looking yesterday.

That one piece dress on her made her look so hot. Generally she wears track pants and loose t-shirts but yesterday she was a total change , of course in a good way.

And the way she looked when I was close to her made me feel things. My heart beat was accelerated too everytime I closed the gap between us.

I loved teasing her yesterday , how she opened her mouth slightly to call my name but couldn't as our nose were touching.

And the moment I titled my head to the side , she closed her eyes and I swear I could have kissed her if it was not our first date. But I will surely accomplish that too.

I , after eating breakfast had called Jimin and told him about yesterday of course skipping the incident inside my car at the last moment.

He was happy that I enjoyed the date with y/n. We both talked with each other for About ten minutes and then I decided to go to y/n.

Time skip

The bakery to my house is just at a walking distance so as always I decided to walk and go.

While walking I looked around other shops too and found one flower shop.
I decided to buy some flowers for y/n along with a vase as that stupid Jason had destroyed in anger.

I picked out some fresh Lilies along with a cute vase and payed her. Then I made my way to the bakery.

Your POV

I was in my bakery currently thinking about yesterday and the incident that happened in the last.

I felt so dumb and embarrassed whenever I thought about that but let it be.

My sister was behind me to tell her how was my first date and I told her everything we did. From visiting art gallery to eating in Italian restaurant and then having a walk together.

My sister was really happy for me because first time I decided to do something for myself rather than my work and family.

I was still disturbed by Jason. I could not believe he would do this with me. But thank god that Taehyung had already warned me about him.

I was sitting at the table and enjoying some hot coffee with these thoughts when I felt a hand on my shoulder.

I turned around and saw Taehyung. I was surprised but really happy seeing him. "Hey Taehyung , good morning." I said.

"Hii...good morning to you too." He said and sat beside me rather than the seat opposite me.

"So was yesterday?" He asked. "Hmm it was really good and I loved it Taehyung." I answered to which he nodded.

"Would you like to have or hot chocolate?" I asked him.

"Uh huh" He said shaking his head as a 'No' and took the cup from my hands and took the sip from the exact same place I had taken and said. "Wow it was really yummy y/n." While cleaning his corner of his lips seductively by his long slender finger.

I gulped down and looked away blushing slightly. He chuckled and held my hands to which I looked at him.

"I have something for you." He said as I nodded. He turned around and gave me a bag.

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