Chapter 4

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It was the next day , you woke up and went to washroom , took bath , brushed your teeth and got ready.

Today you decided to help your sister by making breakfast as her daughter and husband would be coming back today from their relative's house.

So when you saw your sister going to washroom , you went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

You made toast filled with tomatoes , onions , letuce leaves and mayonnaise with cheeze.

You were placing the plates on the table and kept glasses filled with water when you saw your sister coming.

"Hey good morning , Unnie...come sit and let's have breakfast. I hope you will like it."

"Aww thank you so much." She said and we both sat and ate the breakfast.

"Umm.... It's so tasty , y/n" She said while eating another bite. "Thanks , Unnie." I said smiling.

I also began eating and talked with my sister side by side.

"Y/n , I talked with my husband and he said that he would come after half an hour , or maybe after one hour." She said while dipping the sandwich in the sauce.

And as you know we need to open the bakery. And it would look bad if I left the house without meeting them.

So if you don't mind... Can you go first and open the bakery. I will join you later after they come back."

"Of course , Unnie....I'm fine with it. I'll go first and attend the customers." I said while eating my last bite.

"Thank you so much." She said while picking our dishes to wash.

After some time I took the keys which were hanging on the keys section from the entrance of our house.

"Unnie I'll get going now... Bye."

"Ok dear.... Bye and be safe." She said while cleaning the table.

I shut the main door and saw the beautiful weather. There was sunshine but the cool breeze made it better.

I took a deep breath and began walking towards our bakery. Today I had left the house early as I would be working alone for sometime.

I reached the bakery and unlocked the main door and went inside. I switched on the lights and kept the keys inside the counter's drawer.

I wore my apron and placed the tables properly on the floor which were earlier kept on top of the table.

The bakery still had half an hour to open , so I quickly went to the kitchen and took the desserts which my sister made yesterday for today's display. After keeping it , I took chalk and wrote today's special.

Today some cookies were to be made. So I began preparing the cookies. When they were ready , I kept them inside a big jar.

By now it was time to open the bakery. So I went to the main door and turned around the CLOSED board to the OPEN board and went inside.

I looked around one last time to check everything and finding it all set I went to the counter.

Soon people began coming , at this time usually people came to buy coffee with cookies or sandwiches. I took order of all the people coming and did my work.

My sister still didn't came and I understand. She is a mother and a wife , she has many responsibilities. And I will be always with her to help her. She is a second mom to me.

It was 10:45 AM when I noticed there was someone entering. And it was the same person as yesterday. Today he wore black jeans with yellow knitted sweater.

I as usual greeted him with a smile as I do with all the customers. "Welcome sir , How may I help you?"

He smiled too. "Thank you and may I have one cup of hot chocolate an-"

"One sandwich which is displayed over there." I completed the sentence with a small smile.

He chuckled and said yes. I smiled again and said 'okay' while typing on the monitor in front of me.

"Sir today we have cookies as today's special...So would you like to have that too?"

"Umm....Ok I don't mind , you give me 3 pieces of that."

"Ok sir...So with a cup of hot chocolate , one sandwich and 3 pieces of cookies will cost $10"

"Okay.... Here you go." He said while giving me the money.

"Thank you may go and si-"

"Sit and your order will come soon." He said while copying me earlier to which I laughed and nodded. After he went and sat I smiled and started to prepare his order.

I kept his order on the tray and went to his table and kept it with a smile to which he smiled too.

When I went back and took other's order and did my work. I noticed him looking at me and when I caught him he looked somewhere else and acted like he didn't saw me.

I smiled to myself and then I saw my sister coming in with a rush. "Ok God I'm sorry I know I am late." She said in one go while panting.

"Relax.... It's really fine." I said while smiling at her. She patted my shoulder and wore her apron to start the work.

Later I saw the same guy now going back. I sighed and continued my work.

Soon It was now lunch time and I was thinking when will my sister be free and when we will go home and eat lunch together.

"Y/n , come let's go home." She said and I nodded and began walking towards the main door.

I turned the OPEN board to CLOSED board and started the walk with my sister.


We reached home and rang the bell and were greeted by my sister's husband.

"Hii how are you?" He said while holding my niece in his hands.

"I am good thanks. And hey baby how are you? Did you missed me?" I said to my sister's baby while taking her in my arms.

She cutely smiled at me and I went with her and sat on the couch. "Y/n wash your hands and sit for lunch." My sister said and I kept her back and went to washroom to wash my hands. After Washing hands , I sat on the table waiting for lunch.

After eating lunch I played with my niece for sometime and watched TV in between.

"Y/n listen can you go and buy some groceries. Meanwhile I'll go to the bakery since you went earlier and worked alone."

"Okay sure I'll go when you will go to the bakery."

"Okay but I will open bakery a bit late around 5:00 PM is that fine?" She asked me while filling the water bottles.

"Sure but why so late today?" I asked

"Actually your niece is not letting me go. Earlier also she cried a lot , so I am thinking to settle her and then open bakery a bit late."

"Oh....Ok sure , Unnie. Just let me know when you will go to the bakey." I said while standing and going to my room to have a small nap.


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