Chapter 20

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After few days

After you confessed to Taehyung you felt really nice. You were glad that he loves you too.

You happily did the work in bakery. Not that earlier you didn't enjoy but now working was getting fun for you and you were enjoying it even more.

He used to come to bakery like always and you and him had coffee or lunch together in the afternoon when the bakery was closed.

You had also told your sister about you and Taehyung confessing each other and she was happy for you.

Earlier like a mother she told you to be careful with Taehyung and told you that you must be sure if you want a future with him.

But gradually seeing you both behave so lovingly with each other and most importantly Taehyung being kind to you and your sister made your sister agree for Taehyung.

Sometimes you three had coffee and lunch together too. Your sister once decided to invite Taehyung over dinner.

So Taehyung agreed and then you and your sister along with her husband had dinner together talking about various things and interests.

Your sister's husband liked Taehyung and aproved him too to which you were really happy.

And about your parents , they were both in RAW so them being with you was difficult and you could not contact them as they both were high commandos.

So your sister and her husband were living with you and taking decisions for you.


Your were currently watching a series on your TV as today was Sunday and you wanted a day off so your sister agreed.

Suddenly your phone began ringing and it was Taehyung so you paused what you were watching and answered his phone.

"Hello yes Taehyung."

"Hii..." He said and paused for sometime so you throught the phone got disconnected.

"Hello are you there Taehyung?"

"Yes I am here. I was just missing you." He said and you smiled a bit.

"Hmm even me... Wanna meet?" You asked while biting your lips.

"Yup I want to but I have some work. I'll be free at 4:00 PM so then we can meet."

"Oh ok we'll meet at 4:30 at your place?"

"My place?" He asked

"Ya your place...if you don't want to then no problem we will meet som.." You began talking but he said something stopping you in between.

"No problem you can come at my place today. I'll text you." He said and you hummed and 'okay' him.

After some more talking you both cut the phone and resumed what you were doing.


After watching TV you decided to bake some cookies for Taehyung. So you went in the kitchen and began preparing some chocolate cookies for him.

You prepared the chocolate creme filling cookies and kept them inside a small box also keeping it inside a carry bag along with a small note in which you wrote 'enjoy them'

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