Chapter 11

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Your POV

It had been almost 3-4 days and Taehyung was nowhere to be seen. I was missing him actually , but still I worked hard on the work my boss had assigned.

As per his information , I was carefully looking at the people who had matching information.

In my free time , I searched about Kim Min Kyu on google and found that he was a mafia , who had committed many crimes most of it including killing people who came in between them , either to expose them or to become more bigger than him. He had a son too who had done many crimes too mostly helping his father.


I was now setting up my counter , when I heard bell sound indicating someone has come inside the bakery.

Without looking up I said. "Welcome and how may I help you?"

"Can I have you?" I heard a husky voice matching with someone's voice I knew.

I looked up and saw Taehyung was standing with his hands inside his pocket and staring at me.

"Hii how are you?" He asked me. I came across him from the counter. "Hii I am good but what about you , Are you alright and where were you since so many days?" I asked all the questions in one go.

He chuckled. "Relax y/n , how about we sit and then talk?" He asked me. "Oh yes sure , you sit I'll bring coffee for you and me." I told him and went to bring it.

I brought the coffee excitedly and then went to Taehyung and sat with him. "So Taehyung now tell me." I said.

He took a sip and said. "Actually I had some Urgency from my family so I had to leave this place for some days."

"Oh is your family alright?" I asked with concern. "Yes they all are fine. And I am sorry I couldn't tell you that I would not be able to come and help you."

"Oh no problem Taehyung , it's fine. My sister is fine too. And we both handled the bakery smoothly." I said with a smile while placing my warm hands on his.

He looked at our hands and said. "Well you have changed a lot. I mean you wore clothes like a tomboy earlier but now you changed your style. It looks nice on you though." He said while looking at me.

I smile and looked down. "yes actually I wanted to try something different , so ya." I answered him with a smile.

"You must be tired Taehyung so if you want you can go back home okay?" I told him retreating my hands back and taking a sip of my coffee.

"Actually I came here for another reason as well. There is a friend of mine , Park Jimin and his birthday is today.

So he told me that I can get my friends too , so I thought that you can come with me since we are friends."

"Oh that's great , I'll come surely. What time is it though?" I asked. "I'll text you but it is sure that it's in the evening around 7:00 PM.

And I don't think that your sister would be able to come. I mean since she has a kid and the party is also in the evening , and all her mommy work and all. So please because of her don't miss the party. I'll be waiting for you." He said with a wink and kept the money on the table and stood up adjusting his shirt.

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