Chapter 32

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It had been a week since I was sleeping with Taehyung in his room. We ate breakfast together in his room.

And then he used to go to to work so I used to be free at that time. So I used to either plan something or read some books.

And then around evening I used to do some painting and drawing and then we again ate dinner together downstairs.

By now I had earned his trust a bit. Whenever he again used to talk about Jason or something else that could make me angry , I used to control my anger.
Everything was going fine this all one week.


I am currently with Taehyung in his arms. And he is kissing my cheeks and is snuggling upto me.

"Y/n darling I am so happy that we are together and there is nobody to seperate us." He said turning a bit and hovered over me.

I kept my both palms on his chest and smiled at him. "Of course Taehyung I am happy too but...." I was saying and stopped in the middle which led Taehyung to frown and ask me.

"What happened y/n?" He asked me with a concerned face.

"Um actually Taehyung I know that you already brought paints and everything else I needed but it's just....I am always here alone and you are not with me.

I also want to spend time with you more But you are always busy." I said with puppy eyes.

"Aww my baby" He said babying me and kissed my nose. "I know I am busy but don't worry how about we both go to the beach tomorrow?"

"Yes sure I would love to." I said happily and he hugged me and kissed my cheeks once again and then we both slept.

The Next Day

I was already dressed and had breakfast with Taehyung. I was waiting for him to take me to the beach.

"Come baby let's go." He said and held my hands and we both started walking outside of the house I was in. Finally after so long I came out of this confined place.

There was already a car and then we both sat in it and drove of to our destination.

The whole way when we were going I only could see trees and a bright weather and nothing else.

Time Skip

We had reached our place and we both got out of our car. I streched my arms enjoying the wind hitting my face and blowing my hairs.

I felt hands around my waist and I turned around and saw Taehyung smiling at me.

"I hope you will enjoy y/n , I came here just for you." He said and kissed my forehead.

"Thank you." I said and kissed his cheek too and then pulled back to explore and enjoy.

The weather was really good today with bright sunshine along with cool winds balancing the temperature.

We walked a bit and soon saw a beach. I removed my slippers and held them in my hands feeling sand on my feet's soul.

Without wasting any more time I dropped my slippers on the corner and ran on the sand feeing it's warmth.

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