Chapter 21

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Your POV

I could not believe that I kissed Taehyung and honestly I really really liked it. I was shy talking to him but I don't know how I managed myself.

My mind was just replaying the kiss we both shared. Whenever I was doing work in the bakery , my mind just used to shift again and again to the kiss.

Unknowingly my finger made it's place to my lips touching them just to recall his soft lips on mine.

I never kissed someone before and I was really really happy that my first kiss was Taehyung , the person I love.

I don't know myself that if I hadn't got shy yesterday. Would something more have happened or not.

Just thinking about Taehyung doing things to me was simply arousing me. I am a virgin but that doesn't mean I don't know what arousing means. Of course I have seen in movies and read books.


Today I was free in the bakery as the customers were a bit less as compared to the other days.

It was soon to be lunch time and today Taehyung didn't came to bakery like he used to every morning and I don't mind as I understand he has work too.

I was drinking water while gazing out of the window looking at the sky. "Y/n come we need to go home and eat." Said my sister holding keys in her hand , standing at the door.

"You go ahead...I'll lock and come." I answered taking another sip of water. "Ok as you say...Here catch." She said throwing the keys which I catched easily with my one hand.

After sitting there for some minutes I stood and took my bag and locked the keys to go home.

I was walking calmly enjoying the cool breeze and sunshine when suddenly I was pulled by someone to a quiet narrow alley.

"Hey what the he..." I was saying when the person covered my mouth from behind. "Hey baby I am Taehyung not amu other jerk."

Realisation hit me and I turned around and saw it was indeed Taehyung. "Hey but why did you pull me like a kidnapper than?"

He chuckled and pulled me towards him that our nose touched and he said. "I wanted to surprise you baby."

I chuckled too and he held my hands draping it on his neck and he wrapped his hands around my waist.

He tilted his head kissing me slowly and I kissed him back too. The kiss was slow and then gradually became passionate.

He pushed me back to the wall still kissing me and pinned my both hands on the wall.

He increased the speed of kissing and then trailed it towards my neck making my breath irregular.

"Aaah Tae..." I moaned at the pleasurable feeling of his wet lips on my neck. He hummed and bit me very lightly on my collar bone.

"Aah Taehyung.... So-somebody will come aahh." I said slightly pushing him to avoid anything more publicly.

He groaned at my neck and pulled back and gave me a peck. "Wanna come to my place then?"

I took a deep breath "Taehyung no....I need to go home. My sister is waiting for me."

He took a deep breath too biting his lips. "Ok come then I'll drop you home."

I hummed and then we both turned around to walk when we saw Jason standing in front of us.

I was shocked seeing him , I gulped down my saliva. I didn't know how to react. It's not that I am afraid of him but he suddenly came that made me a bit surprised.

Taehyung softly held my hands making me calm down a bit. "What do you want Jason?" He asked.

Jason let out an irritated chuckle and came towards us looking at me from top to bottom.

"Hey , not there I am here. See here and talk to me." Taehyung said to him harshly as Jason was staring at me.

"So you are the one right...Because of you y/n rejected me and doesn't love me." Jason said looking at Taehyung with anger.

"So what....What will you do huh?" Taehyung said making him more angry.

"Taehyung leave it....Let's go." I said trying to not let them fight. And began moving but Taehyung stopped me by holding my hands and pulling me to him.

"Tae leave it...he just wants to irritate you. Let's go." I said to Taehyung again. But he was not moving even an inch and instead stared at Jason like he is challenging him.

"Jason I want you to see this again." Said Taehyung and before I could even understand what he meant I was pulled to him and he kissed me.

He kissed me passionately yet a bit fast. I understood him that he wanted to show Jason that we both are together and will never leave each other.

So I also kissed him back wrapping my hands over his neck , we both kissed for some more and then pulled back.

Jason was really angry now and I could tell he was loosing control. "You bloody man how dare you." He said holding Taehyung's collar.

"Taehyung" I said and then I held Jason's hands to remove them from Taehyung's collar. But Jason pushed me harshly and I fell on the floor.

"Jason what the heck" Taehyung said and immediately pushed Jason back that he fell down and Taehyung punched him.

"How dare you huh...How you dare touch my love and pushed her." He said and hit him on his nose.

"Taehyung wait" I said quickly standing up to stop him. "Leave him Taehyung he is loosing consciousness." I said and he finally stopped and stood up pulling me in a hug.

"Are you alright baby?" He asked. "Yes I am and are you alright?" I asked him too and he hummed and kissed my forehead.

"Come let's go ho-aaaah" I said when I noticed that I got a wound on my hand because of Jason when he pushed me.

"What happened?" Taehyung asked holding my hands to see where I got hurt.

"Here...aaaah" I said showing him the wound. "Ok don't worry I'll do something." He said and took out his handkerchief and wrapped it around my wound.

"Let's get you home and then treat your wound okay?" Taehyung said holding my hands and we began walking fast because Jason was coming back to his consciousness.

We both reached my home and then quickly treated my wound. My sister was so angry when we told her what Jason had done.

But she was really happy that Taehyung was with me and that he saved me from anything more that could happen.

Me and my sister decided that Taehyung should have lunch at our home only as it was lunch time. So we all four including Kangsu ate some chicken soup along with rice and kimchi.

After Lunch Kangsu and Taehyung played for some time and then Taehyung said he had to leave so he left and while leaving I hugged him and thanked him.

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