Chapter 26

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Your POV

I slowly began coming into consciousness. I opened my eyes slightly and I felt my head heavy.

My head was aching a lot and I still felt my whole body was paining and was becoming weak.

I didn't recognise the place at first but gradually came to know that I was in a room.

The room had white curtains and I was lying on a bed and I could feel soft sheets beneath me.

I slowly sat on the bed and saw the room. It was neat and clean unlike the rooms in which the people who get kidnapped had.

I was in my same clothes and there were no bruises on my body. I looked around and saw a window.

I stood and made my way to the window looking outside. I could not see much except for big trees.

As I was looking , the door suddenly opened. I turned around and saw Taehyung coming in.

He was dressed in black jeans and cream coloured shirt. I looked away from him but saw him coming to me.

"Glad you woke up." He said and stood beside me. "Didn't you eat anything huh , the doctor told me you became unconscious because you didn't eat anything since yesterday."

He said and brought his hands towards my face but I stood a bit back. "Don't...Don't come to me or touch me." I said angrily.

He let out a breath. "You should listen to me instead of assuming yourself." He said while folding his hands under his chest.

"Assume things...Really Taehyung. Don't lie , I know everything about you and I know you killed Jason." I said with tears in my eyes which were ready to fall anytime.

"I know he always bad mouthed about you and hurted me also. But whatever he did , he was my childhood friend after all and how can yo-you?" I said as tears flow down my eyes.

"How can you ki-kill him. I will never forgive you..." I said but he instead cut me off harshly.

"Can you shut your mouth and listen to me for a minute. We both love each other right And he came in between. He was the one who made you cry everytime and I was the one to console you.

At last also he was the one who hurt you. He stabbed you with a knife right and moreover he was planning to kill me." He said while shaking my body so that I could understand what he meant.

But tears never stopped coming from my eyes and I pushed him harshly. "Get away from me...And I don't love you anymore now.

How can you think I will love you after you killed Jason and that you are the son of a mafia and you are a criminal.

How can I love you huh. I will never love you now and I was a fool to love you before.

I feel so much of regret right now when I recall the moments we shared. When we hugged...And when we-we kissed." I said as my tears were now like a waterfall.

"No it's nothing like that." He said again coming close to me but again I pushed him hard and I knew he was loosing patience.

"And if it's really nothing like that then tell me it it's fake that you fought with Jason and that you didn't kill him." I said but he didn't say anything.

"Tell me now, what happened?" I asked him pushing him once more and he then lost his patience and tightly grabbed my arm giving me pain.

"I swear if you didn't listen to me I will kill you right here." He said and grabbed my other arm too with full force.

"Yes I fought with Jason." He said and pulled my both arm more tightly inching me to him a bit.

"Yes I killed him." He said and again pulled me hard causing our lips to brush against each other.

"Are you happy now?" He said as I felt his lips on mine as he spoke. He knew his lips were my weakness on him.

"Tell me are you happy." He asked again slowly loosing his grip on my arm as I felt his tip of tongue on my lips.

At that moment I pushed him as he lost a bit balance. "Don't you dare try to come closer to me." I said rubbing my lips to clean them.

He was about to say something but his phone rang. "Yes...Ok I'll come." He said and looked at me.

"I'll see you next time." He said smirking and licking his lips seductively and then went out of the room locking it.

I don't know what to do now , I am in a complete mess. My family must be worried about me and it's because of Taehyung , I shouldn't have trusted him.

I took a deep breath and sat beside the wall resting my head on it while looking around the room.

After some time a lady entered the room. I stood up and looked at her. She was maybe around the age of twenty seven or nine.

She had came with some clothes in her hand. "Ma'am , here are some clothes you can wear after taking a shower. And the bathroom is there." She said pointing with her hands.

I nodded and then she turned around to leave. "Hey wait a minute , where am I?" I asked her.

She smiled lightly and then said. "Sorry ma'am I cannot tell that as Mr. Kim has told me not to tell you."

I nodded and looked down , I looked up again but she was already halfway to close the door.

"Also Mr. Kim said after you get ready we will have dinner together at sharp 8:00 PM" She said and closed the door.

"Ugh" I said and layed down on the bed. I didn't wanted to see his face or have dinner with him.

There was a clock in front of me on the wall and it was 7:53 PM already. I was getting hungry and I was feeling exhausted also so I finally decided to take a shower.

The bathroom was also neat and clean as though I'm in a hotel. There were variety of shampoos and soaps.

Also there was a bathrobe already inside the bathroom so after shower I wore it and came outside to wear my clothes which were placed on the bed.

I wiped my whole body and wore my inner wears and wore the pajama which was given to me.

As I was about to wear the top the door opened. Taehyung came inside with a furious look in his face.

His face immediately changed and his mouth hung low. It was his first time seeing me like this. I quickly covered myself with the towel.

"GET OUT" I shouted and he turned around. "I am not leaving , you change quickly and have dinner."

"Ugh" I said and quickly wore my top. "I-I'm done" I said and he turned around and came towards me and touched my wet hairs.

"You still need to get ready...I see." He said and then kept his hands in his pocket.

"Get ready quickly and the lady." He said and one lady came inside the room bowing at him.

"She is Sia , she will help you get ready and then you will come with her." He said and turned on his heels and went outside.

"Ma'am please sit here , I'll help you." She said and I knew I can't do anything else and thus sat on the chair in front of the mirror and she dried my hairs with a hair dryer and then sraightened my hairs with a comb.

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