Chapter 9

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I was sleeping peacefully when suddenly my alarm clock rang and woke me up. I groaned in my sleep and rubbed my eyes and sat on the bed.

I stretched my arms and let out sounds of relief while doing so. I took my phone and saw the time and messages.

It was 8:30 AM so I decided to get up and quickly brush my teeth and get ready. I rose up and made the bed and went inside the washroom.

After taking bath , I got ready and wore black jeans with a dark blue crop top till navel , and a black jacket on top with my white sneakers.

I got down the stairs towards the room of my sister to check her and when I came inside her room , I didn't find her.

"Unnie where are you , are you alright?" I said while searching for kangsu as well.
"We are here y/n and yes we both are fine , don't worry." She said and I turned around and saw both of them coming out of the bathroom.

"I gave her a bath and got her ready and I also quickly got ready." She said keeping kangsu down and coming towards me."

"Oh...Okay , so are you better now?" I asked keeping my hand on her forehead.
"Yes I am and today , I am coming with you to the Bakery okay?" She said smiling.

"Okay sure , Unnie. I am happy that you are fine now." I said hugging her.

Then we all went to the drawing room and had breakfast prepared by my sister. "Since kangsu's father has a holiday today so we would be leaving kangsu at home." Said unnie wiping kangsu's face.

"Okay mumma." She said jumping around and running inside the room to greet her father. We both smiled at her behavior and then went outside to finally begin our day.

Time skip

We were just some shops away from our bakery and when we reached , I didn't saw Taehyung today.

'Maybe he has some work or maybe he will come later today' I thought and arranged the table and began doing the usual work.

Customers were now coming and we both , as always welcomed them and took their orders. I handled the kitchen today as I didn't wanted my sister to strain herself , even if she was fine.

I baked some cookies and cupcakes and then , I suddenly remembered Taehyung while Baking cupcakes. 'Will he come today or not?' I thought and let out a sigh.

The whole morning he didn't come so at last I gave up and let it be. We were just friends and not more than that.

Later , when it was lunch time we both went back home and ate lunch. While eating also I was thinking about Taehyung.

It was not that I liked him or so but it's just he suddenly disappeared. And when I become friends with someone , I really wish if they be constantly with me.

I took a bite and began thinking about him. "Y/n what happened...Y/n?" My sister called my name twice and she shook my body.

"Huh...What?" I said blankly looking at her. "I was calling you since so long , you took a bite and got stuck somewhere in your thoughts. Is everything alright?" She asked with concern.

"Oh...I-I am alright. It's just....I was thinking about my work , that's all." I said quickly and resumed eating. She hummed and began eating too.

After lunch as usual I went to my room to take a small nap. However when I layed down , I could not sleep.

I shifted my position from one side to another , but still couldn't sleep. Letting out an annoyed sound I sat on my bed and took my phone.

I checked some social media and played with some emoticons and then finally , I opened my call chats and searched Taehyung's number.

I looked at his number and thought to call him or not. But after few minutes I decided I'll not call him or else it will look like I am behind him.

Time skip

It was evening time and as everyday you and your sister went to the bakery to open it.

This time , you handled the counter and your sister was in the kitchen preparing the desserts to be placed tomorrow.

Two hours had already been passed but again Taehyung was no where to be seen. You were feeling sad because when he used to be , you used to feel happy as he told many good Jokes , and was always asking you about your interests and all. So you liked knowing him and getting to know him too.

"Here is your order , hope you enjoy it." I said to the customer while giving the cookies and let out a tired sigh.

"Hey what happened...I know there is something that is bothering you." My sister asked me coming towards  the counter.

I let out another sigh "actually , Unnie You know new friend whom you had given one less cupcake.

When you were sick and couldn't come , He helped me by working here with me  And he is one of the regular customer here.

And now , today he didn't came...I thought he would come after some time but he didn't." I said looking at the floor.

My sister hummed and kept one hand of her's on my shoulder. "So you are missing him right?"

"Ye-what no I...I'm not. You know I quickly get attached with the friends I make.

And moreover we are just friends... It's just I like being with someone of my age. And he tells interesting things and I never get bored when he is around.

I may sound selfish like this , but you know...It's my nature. I will work on it as soon as possible though."

"Y/n , it's normal for you to miss him. I mean see you are in the age to get married after all and he seems a nice guy as I saw from my own eyes , and he is handsome of course which is a cherry on top.

But yes....It's normal to catch feelings for that guy or any other guy in your age. I mean since the start you never had any boyfriend and you were never interested in them also.

You were always interested in working for the country and that is good. But now , you will have those cravings , like having a boyfriend or to get married or to miss a guy who is your friend.

So it's normal and I understand...Don't worry he must be busy. Whenever you meet him , ask him what had happened okay?

And come now it's time , let's go home and eat dinner." She said encouraging me.

I hummed and removed my apron and went back home with my sister still thinking about the things my sister explained me.

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