Chapter 10

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Taehyung POV

It was the next day and I sat on my bed scrolling through my messages and seeing the time.

It was 8:30 AM "I will again spend the day with y/n , I am so happy for it." I said to myself.

Then I put my phone on charge and took a shower and got ready. I wore black pants with a white shirt tucked inside.

I took my phone which was charging and kept it inside my pant's pocket and went out of my house to go to y/n and her sister's bakery.

While walking , yesterday's things were appearing in front of my eyes like how that neighbour of y/n thought that I am her husband and even said to plan about children.

I didn't like the idea of having kids with her , but yes I did like the procedure of it. I chuckled thinking this just when my phone rang.

I took my phone out of my pocket , and saw my father calling me. I hit the green button and kept the phone on my ear.

"Hello dad." I said. "Yes hello , Taehyung , there is some work for you." He said in a serious tone.

"Yes what is it?" I asked. "Do you remember Soo-Jun?"

"Soo-Jun as in Lee Soo-Jun. The one that had taken loan from you?" I asked my father.

"Yes Taehyung , it's nice that you know he took loan from me and now it's time for him to pay it back with interest , and he isn't picking up my calls.

And now since I am in America , I want you to go find him and tell him to pay me back."

"Oh okay dad. So you want me to tell him to pay you back. Great I will surely. I hope he listens in one go only and if not then." I said and chuckled knowing what would happen then.

My dad laughed with me. "Okay then Taehyung I'll talk later. I have to go somewhere. And all the best" He said and I hummed and cut the call.

As soon as I finished the call with my dad. I quickly called one of my teammate and told him about Lee Soo-Jun and to get information about him and then tell me back.

Then I made my way towards the bakery. As I reached there , I already saw the board set to OPEN and that her elder sister was working at the counter today.

I peeped inside the bakery but didn't saw y/n anywhere. 'Maybe she isn't here. It's ok and one day without her is still fine' I thought and went back.

It was 12:00 PM , and I was back inside my house. I was watching some TV program when my phone buzzed with some notification.

I took my phone and saw some messages from my teammate , Su Ho regarding the information about Lee Soo-Jun.

Su ho

Name- Lee Soo-Jun
Age - 39
And he is currently at the
Yongsan-gu's old warehouse
Which is situated near some
Mariana industry.


Okay great , Su Ho and thank you.

I replied to him and got out from my house to find him and to get the money back , which he borrowed from my dad.

Time skip

I had now reached Yongsan-gu and opened my map app on phone and typed Marina Industry.

I got the address and started walking towards the industry. As I was walking , my phone rang.

I picked up the call. "Hey Taehyung we got one more information that he is a womanizer and keeps two phones. One for his daily calls and work , and the other for the calls from the females.

The one which he uses for his personal use is not available as he switched off his locations , but the other phone , we tracked it and I am sending you the location of it."

"Oh is it? Well thanks for this news. It's really helpful." I said and began walking fast.

He hummed and cut the phone and I saw the location that he sent to me. I quickly went to the area of that location.

It was a very silent area with trees surrounding it. I had a gun and knife in my pocket which I had taken when I left the house for here.

I kept on walking as per the location and saw a small house. I took out my gun , and carefully went to that house.

It was strange to see no one around and I became more carful and attentive. I was now standing in front of the door. I opened it from my elbow , and as I entered I pointed my gun to the front and everywhere where I was walking and moving.

The house was total silent except for some silent noise coming from the upstairs.

I silently went upstairs while looking everywhere to see if anyone was here or not. The voices were increasing and soon , I was standing outside of the door where the voices were coming from.

I didn't know that how many people were inside the room. So I stood outside for some minutes and heard one man and one female's voice.

I pushed the door by kicking it by my leg and straight away pointed to the people there. I was surprised to see Lee Soo-Jun and one female doing the nasty shit.

I looked at Lee Soo-Jun "get up or else I'll kill you." I said pointing to him and the other lady.

The lady got afraid and wrapped the sheets around herself and hid behind the cupboard. Soo-Jun also got up and wore his pants. "Ok wait...what do you want?" He asked me.

I chuckled "oh really don't you remember. Well I should remind you that you borrowed money from my dad and now when it's time to pay , you are doing this bloody shit here." I said pointing to the girl and then him with my head.

"Okay but please let her go she has nothing to do with this please." He pleaded. I took a deep breath "hey you , come with me." I said and held Lee Soo-Jun's hand and brought him out of the room and locked it from outside so that the lady doesn't go.

"Okay , so in one go tell me why did you switched the location , and okay if you did , but now pay the money back or else get ready to be killed in front of that girl inside." I warned him and placed the gun on his head.

"No no please I'll tell you. Actually I didn't have money to pay back , that is why I switched off the location" He said.

"Oh so if you cannot pay then why you borrowed it you dumb?" I said pushing the gun on his head with more strength.

He groaned in pain. "Please I am so sorry I will try to pay it back as soon as possible.

But actually the other person came here and took that cash from me. And now , he is also not paying me back so that is why I am not able to pay you."

"You are really stupid you idiot...Well now I can't help it. Be ready to get killed." I said bringing my gun back to my hands and pulled the trigger.

He was crying and pleading , but I didn't stop and shot him then and there. I called my teammate Su Ho and told him everything that happened.

"Take care of that girl and handle this idiot Lee Soo-Jun too.

And also tell my dad , that he didn't pay me back because someone else took from him and I killed him." I said to my teammate while rubbing my forehead trying to erase the headache.

After this , I kept my gun back inside my pocket and moved out from the area going back to my house to relax.

I was planning not to go and meet y/n for some days at her bakery. Her sister was fine too , so I let it be.

I needed some rest and wanted to relax for sometime. So , as I thought I didn't went to y/n's bakery for somedays.

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