Chapter 29

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After Few Days

It was the next morning and as usual you got up and already saw the dress on the bed.

You did your routine and saw Sia coming and kept breakfast on the bed for you. You ate it and just remained sitting there not knowing what to do.

This was the same routine you were doing since last three days. You always had breakfast and lunch in your bed and dinner with Taehyung.

Apart from that there was nothing you could do. You either slept for some time or just sat looking here and there from the window.

You wanted to speak to Taehyung about you being bored and to bring something so that you could easily pass your time here.

Sia had already told you the next day that Taehyung will be busy for some days and that is why you got dinner as well in your room.


You were currently in your room looking outside of the window as you didn't have anything to do.

Sia told you that Taehyung and you will have dinner together and that you can talk to him about you being bored.

So you were just preparing yourself that how will you say all this to Taehyung when suddenly Sia entered calling you for dinner.

You went downstairs with her and saw Taehyung already sitting waiting for you and the food.

You sat and saw Taehyung already looking at you. "Hey princess" He said and you wished him back.

"How was your day?" He further said and now you knew you can say what you want.

"Umm it was fine as always it's just...I-I get bored as there is nothing to do..." You were saying but he cut you off by saying something.

"You get bored why didn't you tell me earlier...Ok so what do you want?" He asked me as Sia served the food for both or us side by side.

"Umm can you bring some paints and books so that I can draw and sometimes read."

"Yes sure they will be tomorrow for you." He said making my stomach do flip flops. It is not that I love him but since the time I am here , apart from day one he treated me good.

He never forced me for anything nor he once hit me. He just keeps me here and why I don't know but I will ask him and I have to know the reason for it.

So after eating I decided to ask him that why I am here. "Taehyung wait" I said as he stood to leave.

He stopped and looked at me. "Why?" He asked a bit rudely. "Umm can we talk please?" I asked him standing up too.

He let out a light groan massaging his temples. "Come with me." He said and I nodded and began following him.

He took me to a room which I suppose was his. He sat on the bed and told me to sit too.

I hesitantly sat on the bed making sure that there is a gap between us. "Umm Taehyung can I know that wh-why am I here?"

He turned towards me. "Because I want to." He simply said making me let out an annoying breath.

"No I mean why...what is the reason?" I asked again. "You really wanna know?" He asked me with a sharp gaze.

I nodded as he began speaking. "Because I love you y/n and I want to be with you."  The moment I heard this I didn't know how to react.

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