Chapter 5

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"Y/n get up it's 4:30 PM and then I would have to go to the bakery and open it at 5:00 PM."

"Ya...I am coming." I said while rubbing my eyes after getting a short nap. I stood and went to the washroom to empty my bladder and wash my face.

After that I came down stairs and went outside with my sister after kissing my niece's chubby cheeks.

While walking , my sister fetched something in her bag and handed me a small slip which had all the things I would need to buy.

"Here , you have to buy all these things written here." She said while extending her hand to me. I hummed while looking at it and while reading the items.

My sister had now departed from me to go to the bakery and I was now going towards the departmental store.

I entered the store and took out the list from my pocket and began reading it and then looking around a particular compartment for that item.

1. Potatoes
2. Onions
3. Mayonnaise
4. Bread
5. Eggs
6. Milk
and so on.

I took a trauli and walked with it to find potatoes and all the items mentioned.


I had bought all the items mentioned in the list. Now I had to buy some snacks also.

So I went to the snacks compartment and took some packets of chips , cookies and some Swiss rolls.

I wanted one cola too but it was placed very high. I stood on my tip toes too but still could not reach it.

"Ugh God....Why it is kept so high." I said being irritated.

I again tried my best to reach and take it but it was all in vain. I was about to retrieve my hands back when I saw a hand taking out the bottle of cola.

I turned around and saw the same person again whom I met in the bakery with a small smile.

" you go. Your cola." He said smiling lightly while extending his hands to give me the bottle.

I softly smiled and took the bottle from his hands which led to briskly touch my fingers with his.

"Um thank you so much." I said keeping it inside my trauli.

"So , you also came to buy groceries....well even me." He said while looking at my trauli and then pointing to his.

"Oh I see." I said with a small smile not knowing much to say.

"Okay then , I'll get going. I have to pay for the stuff....See ya." I said keeping my hands on the trauli and moving with it and going towards the counter.

"I'll come too , I also have to pay." He said following me behind and stood behind me.

"Thank you." I said while taking the bags from the staff lady and going towards the exit.

"Hey wait.... I am coming too." He shouted and I remained there waiting for him to come.

"Come let's go." He said now walking with me towards the exit. "Sorry if it's disturbing you but....I live alone so if we can go together...It will be nice." He said showing me a small sad smile.

"Oh...No it's not disturbing me. I can walk with you." I said while smiling. I can understand him. Being alone makes me sad too and if I can get any one person also whom I can talk with leads me to vanish my sadness. So I decided to walk with him.

"Oh I forgot to tell you my name...Well I am Taehyung. Nice to meet you." He said extending his hands to shake with mine.

I also extended my hands and shook with his. "Well I am y/n , nice to meet you too." I said smiling. And we continued walking.

While walking we didn't talk much except for introduction as he got a call.

As he was talking on the phone I saw how his fingers held the phone and his arms were showing his veins which made him look hot.

"Okay sure bye." He said on the call and kept the phone back inside his pocket of pants.

"Sorry it was urgent." He said with a sorry smile. "No problem it's ok." I said smiling lightly. And resumed our walk.

"Sorry but now I have to go. My house is here." I said facing him.

"Oh...Okay sure , Well nice meeting you. And hope we could see each other soon." He said looking at me while ruffling his hairs.

"Nice meeting you too and ya hope so." I said with a small chuckle not knowing what to say much at his latter words.

"Okay then...Bye." I said and turned around walking to my home. I rang the bell and saw behind me if he was still there.

Not finding him I looked back at the door and met with my sister's husband and my niece.

"Welcome back....Oh she didn't came with you?" He asked looking behind me to see if my sister was behind.

"No actually she told me to buy groceries and to go back home....She will come anytime now. It's dinner time anyway." I said while keeping all the groceries that I brought to it's respective places.

While I was keeping all the stuff the bell rang and my sister came inside. Then we both prepared dinner together and ate.

Next Day

As always me and my sister left our home and were walking towards our bakery.

As we were walking and were near our bakery I saw the same person , Taehyung sitting at one of the benches watching his phone.

He didn't see me but I did. But not thinking about it too much I went inside with my sister and began doing our work , like placing the table and chairs properly and baking few things.

After all this , I wore my apron and went to the main door to turn the board to OPEN.

As soon as I opened the door to do it , I saw Taehyung looking at me and then sitting straight and watching his phone.

I smiled at his behavior by shaking my head and resumed the work. I went inside and kept the desserts which were to be displayed.

At the display window I saw him again looking at me. I felt little strange though but not terrified because I know how boys behave in front of girls.

I noticed that he was again in his man spread and straight face looking at me from up to down.

I removed my eyes from him quickly and went to the counter.

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