Chapter 3

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Taehyung POV

After saying good bye to Jimin I reached home where I live alone. I had already brushed my teeth and took bath at my friend's house this morning so I opened my medicine box and took a painkiller.

I sat on my couch and switched on the TV scrolling through various channel's to find something interesting to see.

After debating with myself for at least fifteen to twenty minutes I decided to watch a movie.

In the movie when the female actress appeared , my mind drifted back to the girl who I met in the bakery this morning.

She seemed like a sweet girl , she even talked to me so Politely. Though she had dressed like a tomboy but still she looked beautiful.

Suddenly I wanted to meet that girl again and make something bloom between us before I go back to other state where my dad lives with me.

I decided that I would go back to this bakery again and then gradually begin something.

It's not that I am not handsome that girls are not all over me. I am handsome and girls drool over me. But I am the one choosy and don't want any cheap girl with me who just wants to be with me for my money.

Your POV

"Here ma'am your order." I said to the last customer while giving her order which she said she would like to take home.

It was lunch time and I was really hungry. My sister was baking the last cake while I waited for her by sitting at a table.

I was staring outside the window looking at the people and thinking about the guy I met this morning.

He was good looking and such attractive person. I never was interested about any guy nor I am now. But this person was something different.

Especially his smile which he displayed to me when I kept his order on the table. And how can I forget his man's spread.

"Hey what are you thinking so deeply?" My sister asked me bringing me out of my thoughts.

"Nothing unnie , just thinking about the people outside. I mean just see.... The way they live and I live are different."

"Yes you are right.... They live without tensions. I mean they have their own tensions for sure. But I mean that..... They don't have tensions of the country like you do.

And you know thanks for that. Because of you and all the police , navy , army....we all sleep and live peacefully."

I smiled in return and got up to finally go home and have lunch with my sister.


We both reached home and washed our hands. Then I went to the kitchen with my sister to help her.

She was making kimchi jigay and I was making some rice to have with it.

After the lunch preparation , we both sat on the table and ate our food while also talking about various stuff in between.

After lunch I took my and my sister's vessel's and began Washing them.

After Washing and drying and placing them back inside the cabinet I sat on the couch and took my phone.

"Y/n I'll go now okay.... Bye."

"Okay.... Bye." I said to my sister who was going back to reopen her bakery for the evening customers.

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