Chapter 12

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The days after that were fun and good for you. Taehyung used to come to your bakery and sometimes you also used to talk with him at his table.

Sometimes Taehyung came with Jimin and you were happy that Taehyung came here to your bakery.

He even used to call you to sit with him and Jimin and have something to eat or drink and talk too.

You used to hesitate at first but they both were so kind and polite to you so you used to enjoy talking with them.

One day Taehyung came with many of his other friends and at your break time , he introduced you to them.

They were all so sweet you really liked them. One was a really bubbly guy named Hoseok and another one was a poker faced a bit serious guy named Yoongi. Another one was Jungkook with a bunny smile and the other one looked really intelligent with books around him which was Namjoon and then the eldest guy Jin.

They were all really good and you actually felt like you had already been friends with them. They all always invited you to one of their gathering and you felt safety and warmth around them.

It was one of the day as always , you were currently cleaning the counter when a person came and was calling your name.

You turned around and was surprised to see who the person was. He was your childhood friend and had gone to London for his Higher studies.

"Omg Jason nice to see you." You said and came out from your counter and stood in front of him.

"Hii nice to see you too." He said to which you smiled. You saw your sister coming and you told her to handle the counter for sometime.

"Jason come let's sit and talk. What would you like to have?" You said while walking to a nearby table.

He sat down and said. "A cup of hot chocolate would be fine."

"Okay's on the way." You said already going to the counter to take two cups of it and brought to him and kept at the table.

You also quickly then sat opposite to him and took a sip to listen about him. "So first of all welcome back to Korea. I am so happy to see my childhood friend back." You said to him.

"I know I am also really happy to see you back after so many years and you are so pretty now." He said.

"Now? Means I was ugly when I was young." You asked in a teasing tone and crossed your arms under your chest.

He laughed and said. "No no it's nothing like that. I mean you were pretty earlier also and now you have grown more pretty."

You chuckled at him and took a sip of hot chocolate. "I know I was just messing with you relax." And you both laughed.

You both talked to each other for some more like asking how they had been since so many years and what are they doing now?

You told him that you are a police officer to which he proudly smiled. And he told you that he is a doctor now.

"Okay then I also should go , I took a lot of time of yours. You must be busy." He said while getting up and you hummed at him and began walking with him towards the exit of your bakery.

You both came outside and you faced him and said. "Thank you Jason for coming and meeting me. I had good time with you."

"Welcome and thank you to you too. Even I enjoyed my time here with you." He said and smiled at you and came closer to give you hug.

You didn't expected this but you didn't mind and gave him a hug too as he was your childhood friend after all.

Taehyung POV

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