Chapter 7

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It was a new day and as usual , you got up and got ready. You went downstairs to eat breakfast but the room was silent.

You didn't hear your sister's voice or her movement. Usually she gets ready around this time but today she isn't.

You decided to go to her room and check on her. you knocked at her door and saw your sister sleeping with your niece Kangsu.

You went neat her bed and shook her slightly calling her. "Unnie get up , it's already 9:00 AM." But she just groaned with pain in her voice.

"Unnie what happened are you alright?" You asked checking her forehead and found it hot.

"Oh my God you are having fever. Wait here I'll bring medicine with a cold cloth and some hot soup.

And also give her to me , she should not catch fever." You said while carrying your niece in your arms and went with her to the drawing room.

"You sit here and watch cartoon okay?" You said while putting her favorite cartoon and went to bring a cloth.

You dipped the cloth in cold water and placed it over your sister's forehead. And checked her temperature from the thermometer.

It was high , so you turned the cloth upside down and went to prepare some hot soup.

After preparing it you went to the room and made her sit and drink it. She drank and you gave her the medicine and made her lie down.

"Y/n....the bakery." She said with pain in her voice. "No you aren't going there. I'll go and manage okay? And kangsu's father is also coming , so he can take care of you and I will go to bakery."

"Okay...As you say but what about Kangsu? She should not be with me." She said me.

"Her...Don't worry I'll take her with me for some time and when her father will come back , I will bring her here." I said while looking at Kangsu who was happily watching the cartoon.

She nodded and I also quickly took Kangsu with me and made her take bath and brush her teeth and I got her ready to go with me.

In the meantime her father had also arrived from his night shift and I decided to leave Kangsu home but she demanded to come with me so I agreed.

"Take care okay? And don't worry about Kangsu." I said before leaving. She hummed and me and my niece went towards our bakery.

I reached the bakery with Kangsu and I made her sit on a table and gave her my phone to distract her and meanwhile I did the all work like usual.

I turned the board to OPEN and while doing so I saw Taehyung coming. "Hey good morning." He said smiling at me.

"Hey and good morning to you too." I said a little bit sadly. "What happened you look sad....Did something happen?" He asked leaning towards me.

"Actually my sister is not well , she is having fever and because of that I had to bring my niece , Kangsu with me." I said looking at her.

"And I don't know how to handle her and the whole bakery the whole day." I said looking down on the floor.

"Hey relax." He said keeping his hand on my right shoulder. I looked at him but didn't mind his action. "I can help you , today I am free. And I would love to work for sometime with you and your niece." He said while coming inside the bakery.

I looked at him and followed him behind. "Really are you sure?" I asked. I didn't wanted to burden him.

"Really no problem I will help." He said while picking up the apron and wearing it. You chuckled and wore your apron too.

"Hii baby nice to meet you I am Taehyung." He said while shaking Kangsu's hand. She smiled and showed her chubby cheeks.

"Hii I am kangsu" She said which melted my heart. Taehyung smiled too and kissed the back of her hand.

After the introduction we both began working. "Taehyung I'll bring the displayed desserts and keep it. And can you please be at the counter.?" I asked.

"Sure I will." He said and I nodded and went and brought the displayed desserts and placed them.

Soon the customer's began coming and me and Taehyung started our work with full concentration.

"Um y/n actually , can you handle the counter? I'll give the orders to the customer's." He asked me while avoiding eye contact and scratching his neck from behind.

"Sure but is there any problem?" I asked not understanding what he meant. "Actually there is a problem...It's just that I don't know how to properly handle the monitor and all as it is my first time. But I can give the things the customer's want."

"Oh right sorry I forgot....yes sure , I'll handle the counter." I said smiling and went to the counter.

The rest of the day was going good. Taehyung handled everything nicely. He and me , we both could work easily.

I was happy that he was helping me. Even Kangsu enjoyed with him whenever he used to talk or play with her if there were less customer's or when his work was done.

It was now lunch time and as always it was time to close the bakery and then open it again in the evening.

I went and sat with Taehyung as he was drinking some coffee. "Taehyung thank you so much once again. If you wouldn't be here...I don't know how I would have handled it all." I said genuinely being grateful.

He tuned towards me and kept his both hands on top of mine making my heart best rise. "Don't thank me. I am also really happy to help you. I can again help you this evening." He said with a smile.

I looked down at our hands "well if it doesn't bother you...Then it's fine with me." I said smiling at him too.

"Great then and do bring Kangsu with you okay? I love spending time with her." He said with a boxy smile. I chuckled and nodded my head.

"I am hungry , Immo." My niece said and Taehyung and me , we both laughed at her cuteness.

"Okay baby let's go home and eat." I said carrying her. "Oh no wait.... I mean we all can have lunch together." Taehyung said to me.

"Yes yes yes immo please...I want to be and eat with Taetae uncle please." Kangsu said while screaming.

I looked at her doe eyes and then at Taehyung's too. I chuckled and agreed. They both said 'yayyy' loudly together and then after closing the bakery we all went outside and looked around a place to eat lunch.

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