Chapter 25

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You didn't feel like anything to eat so you skipped your dinner. Though your sister forced you but you didn't had it still.

You knew your life was now messed up and the reason was LOVE and that is why you had never been in a relationship because it effects professional life.

But now you were beyond repair , you love Taehyung and were planning to marry him but everything was now ruined.

You don't know how long you cried and fell asleep on the floor. But when you were feeling cold then you relised where you were.

You took your phone and saw the time 2:43 AM it said. You stood up and decided to have a walk outside to refresh your mind a bit.


You had secretly sneaked outside and were now walking along the street. The sky was dark just like your heart.

You had never drank but today you wanted to. You had to drink to digest the sudden pain.

You reached 7 /11 , a convenience store which opens in the night as well. Took three bottles of soju and began drinking while walking.

You took big gulps of soju and automatically tears started to fall like a waterfall from your eyes.

You were never like this nor you ever wanted to be weak but you were getting and it was because of LOVE , again.

You had already drank all the three bottles of soju by now and were crying bitterly while sitting on the road.

Since it was now getting day you decided to go back home before your sister wakes up.

So you reached home and layed flat on the bed. Your head hurt and eyes were still filled with tears.

You didn't got up nor did you took bath or brushed your teeth. Your sister was already up and had had now came to you.

"Y/n I know you love him and I understand it must be painful for you...But you just can't sit like this right.

By the way did you checked with Jason. Taehyung was beating him right so call him." She said sitting beside you.

You didn't answer her so your sister let out a deep breath and left you alone making breakfast for you.

Meanwhile you thought what your sister said. She was right you just can't waste your life like this.

You sat up and decided to call Jason and ask him about yesterday. You called him a few times but he didn't pick up. You were getting worried for him.

Though you didn't like him but still he was your childhood friend after all and moreover yesterday Taehyung was beating him and you wanted to solve everything without violence.

You then quickly brushed your teeth and took bath. Your head was hurting badly because you had cried a lot and drank three big bottles of soju.

So you just took a painkiller and without eating ran to Jason's house. As you reached there you rang the bell but still he didn't open the door.

So you tried opening it and it just fell down. You were now panicking thinking something happened to him.

"Jason where are you?" You said while looking here and there in his house but didn't find him.

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