Chapter 30

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The next coming days were again the same as it was earlier. Just the slightest difference was that you now began painting, drawing and reading books.

Taehyung was busy as always and you saw him only at dinner time having conversations like "how was your day" Or "how are you?"

Apart from that you didn't met him. You as always ate your breakfast and lunch at your room.

You were also simultaneously thinking how to escape from here and arrest him.
But unknowingly you were wanting to see Taehyung more.

You never hated him actually , whenever you said "I hate you" To him was just you convincing yourself so that you could not hurt yourself or your heart.

But reality is that you still love him but you are committed to your job and you need to arrest him for the crime he did.

You look around your surrounding , currently looking around the room and the things it has.

You take a deep breath and think what he has done with you. Ever since you are here he never abused you physically or mentally.

Nor he starved you or did anything to hurt you despite the first day and that he killed Jason.

As soon as he came to know that you get bored and feel lonely. He brought whatever you wanted.

But apart from all these things you noticed that when you talk lovingly to him , he responds nicely but when you talk harshly with him , he then behaves badly with you. Like holding your hands harshly and speaking rudely to you.

It was soon dinner time and you were painting something on the wall in front of you while thinking about these things.

But your moment was disturbed when you heard door opening sound. You turned and saw Taehyung coming inside.

"Hey princess how are you...oh wow what's all this?" He said looking at the painting you made.

You smiled "I am good and that...I just painted it." I said while standing up.

"It's really nice and I didn't know you could draw so nice. This room looks so beautiful now." He added while looking around the whole room.

It was now mostly in purple and pink in colour with plants , flowers , tree's , butterflies drawn instead of pale beige colour.

You scratched the back of your neck saying a small "Thank you" And then again faced the wall to finish what was left.

As you were doing it , Taehyung came and stood near you looking at the painting carefully.

"Oh here it needs finishing" He suddenly said looking at a particular spot on the painting.

"Oh where?" I ask looking where he was also looking. "Here" He said and stood behind me and held my hand which was holding the paint brush and began painting to give it a finishing look.

I felt some sort of spark within me as he was still painting it while I looked at his side profile and then at our hands together.

I blushed a little and enjoyed his soft hands on mine. He looked at me from his side vision that I was looking at him and then he smirked.

He tightened the grip on my hand a bit and then tilted his head on my neck and pecked my neck softly.

He placed his other hand on my waist and continued kissing my neck. Soon his kisses turned wet as he was giving me open wet mouth kisses and I granted him more access as out of reflex I tilted my neck.

Unknowingly I slightly moaned a bit and instantly regreted it as I felt him smirking against my neck.

"Ta-Taehyung" I said in between as he continued kissing but then I felt something on my butt and I realised what it was.

He groaned a bit and pushed himself on me making me feel his bulge against my butt.

"" Sia said and entered. He pulled back. "Yes Sia" He said. "Sir the dinner is ready." And he nodded.

I was a blushing mess whereas he was smirking and came and stood in front of me with his hands inside his pocket.

"Baby girl if Sia didn't have come. You know what could have been my dinner." He said and came near my ear and I could feel his breath there.

"You" He said giving me chills and then bit and licked my earlobe and backed away and left my room.

I took a deep breath and then made my way downstairs for dinner. The whole time I felt his strong gaze on me which I was sure was lustful because whenever I looked at him , he bit and licked his lips seductively.


After dinner Taehyung came with me to drop me to my room. I was nervous thinking what he could do or say.

We both entered the room and he suddenly pulled me to him and I kept my hands on his chest and I could feel his buffed up chest under my palm.

He hot breath was fanning on my face making me gulp down on my saliva. He roamed his hands over my back.

He made my hands keep over his shoulders as he jerked me forwards to him a bit which resulted in his lips to hover dangerously over mine.

"Baby you know I love you so much. But please don't feel sad about Jason. He deserved that." He said And honestly that was boiling my anger but I controlled my self.

"I know that what I did to Jason was wrong but the truth is that he is actually a...." He was saying but instantly stopped realising that he was saying something he should not.

"What...Taehyung what is he?" I asked wanting him to continue but he didn't tell me.

He hugged me instead and roamed his hands over my waist and lower back and now towards my butt.

"You not need to know it now baby. But you will someday realise that he was wrong and I was right." He said and grabbed my right butt squeezing it lightly.

I moaned in a whisper not wanting to let him know that his touch made me feel  this way.

He pulled back and kissed my forehead. "But for now...Good night." He said and then went back.

After he went I touched my forehead where he kissed. It actually made my heart flutter.

People say that the forehead kiss is the most pure form of showing love and that thought made my insides warm.

I layed on the bed and I noticed that today as he was talking about Jason to me , he didn't get angry on me and why , that I know.

Because I didn't reacted in him saying that. He knows that whenever he talks about Jason I simply accuse him.

But today I remained calm instead of accusing him or getting angry. I didn't even pushed him as he was touching me.
And because of that he was about to tell me something but he didn't.

I relised that when I don't oppose his touch or get angry with him , he opens up to me like he did today by saying something about Jason.

So I decided what I need to do in order to get information from Taehyung about where And why I am.

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